Page:The New International Encyclopædia 1st ed. v. 07.djvu/607

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FERRARI. 551 FERRARIS. studied at Milan, ljut it must have been under Luini and Bramantino, pupils of Leonardo, and it is not likely that he ever crossed the Ap< in nines. Whatever he adopted from these masters he thoroughly assimilated, adding to it an ener- getic naturalism of his own. In his earlier period he painted in the manner of the Lombard Bchool, hut toward the end of his life he adopted the more Titanic forms then in vogue. Hia works always display intense dramatic action, although the composition is often overcrowded. The coloring is bright, sometimes even gaudy, but harmonious, in his frescoes. He excel- espe- cially in heads and draperies. His winks are of u [ual merit, but he is in many res] ts the ninst powerful master of the Milan school. Among Ferrari's earlier works are a triptych representing a "Holy Family with Saints" (1511), for the Church of Santa Maria at Arono. and altarpiece for the Church of Canob- bio and for San Gaudenzio at Xovara (1514-15). He afterwards settled at Varallo, where he exe- cuted a number of his most important works. In 1513 he had finished in the Church of Santa .Maria delle Grazie twenty frescoes of the "Life of Christ" — a wonderfully dramatic series in well-arranged, though sometimes crowded, groups. In the Chapel of Santa Margherita, in the same church, he painted two frescoes of the "Life of Christ" (finished in 1515), and for San Gau- denzio a fine altarpiece, the "Marriage of Saint Catherine" — perhaps the best of his earlier work. He decorated with frescoes the walls of three of the 'stations' or chapels of the Sacred Moun- tain of Varallo. and painted the chief pictures in three others. Of these paintings, his great "Crucifixion," in the thirty-eighth chapel, is the masterpiece. The groups in this painting, in their symmetrical arrangement, and the dignified heads and harmonious colors, challenge compari- son with Raphael himself, according to Morelli. In 1532-35 Ferrari decorated the transept of San Cristoforo, Vercelli. with frescoes of the "Life of the Virgin," and in 1535 the cupola of the Church of Saranno with a circle of "Singing Angels" — one of the finest existing specimens of such work. In 1542 he painted his last fresco, the "Scourging of Christ." in Santa Maria delle Grazie. Milan — a picture of grandiose effect. His "Martyrdom of Saint Catherine," the best known of his pictures (Brera, Milan), is of the same character. Few of his works exist outside of Lombardy. In the Louvre there is an excellent "Saint Paul," in the Berlin Museum an "An- nunciation," and in the Historical Society of New York "Saint George and Saint Anthony of Padua." Consult: Bordiga, Notizie intorno alle opere di Gaudenzio Ferrari (Milan, 1821) ; Colombo, Vita ed opere di Gaudenzio Ferrari (Turin, 1881); Morelli, Italian Painters (London, 1892-93). FERRARI, Giuseppe (1812-76). An Italian historian and philosopher, born in Milan. He was educated at Pavia, and held professorships successively at Roehefort, Strassburg, Turin, and Milan. In philosophy. Ferrari was a disciple of his friend Romagnosi, and of Vico. whose works he edited and to whom he devoted one of his earliest volumes, Vico et Vltalie (1839). Of Ferrari's numerous historical works, may be mentioned: Histoire des revolutions d'ltalie (1857-58); L' 'annexion di Delia Sicilei l Corso sugli ucriltori polities italiani i 186 Teoria dei periodi politici (1874). For hi rapliy.enii-.uli Mazzoleni i Milan. 1877). FERRARI, l.i i,, i i L810 94 i. An [talian sculptor, bmn iii Venice, He was •> pupil ol ( lanova and one nf tie- artiste i mpli greal monumi n1 to him ;ii I hi > inn. h ol .Maria dei Fiaii. Venice. Afterwards (1851 became professor iii the acadenn there. Among hi-- works an- a "I. io8n," ' I ndj tnion," "Melan chorj ," "David," and bu I oi Dante and Raphael. FERRARI, Paolo (1822-89). An Italian dramatist ami critic, lie was bmn :.i Modena His first SUece-s u;i- UoUhmi i Ii S«i iedici ' "<>< medie (ls.v_!). This was followed by several semi-romantic drama- and comedies, all nf w 1 1 i ■ • ! i are interesting and well constructed, but which have been criticised for their lack nf origin The Opere drammatiche (1877-80) is a collection of his principal works. FERRARIS, fgr-r&'res, Cablo Fha (1850—). An Italian political economist and statistician, born at Moncalvo, Alessandria. lie was a member of the Italian Bureau of Statistics from 1874 to 1870. In 1878 lie became extranr dinary professor at the University nf Pavia, and in 1883 he was appointed a director in the Italian Ministry of Agriculture, Industry, and Com- merce. He was called to the chair nf statistics at Padua in 1885, and was a member of the Italian Chamber of Deputies in 1886-87. His works include: La statistica e In scien a di IV amministrazione nelle facolta ginridiche i 1878) : Moneta e corso forzoso (1879) ; Saggi di econo- mics, statistica, c scieuza delta auiininistra (1880) ; L'assicurazione obbligatoria, etc. i 2d ed. 1890) ; "Die Banken in Italien," in the Eand- icorterbuch der Btaatsmssenschaften, vol. ii.

(2d ed. 1899) ; Principii

  • <8. An important