Page:The New International Encyclopædia 1st ed. v. 09.djvu/222

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GREAT BRITAIN. 19() GREAT BRITAIN. Kappel and Kirby, Handbook of British and J.'uropcun liutlci/ties and Moths (ib., 1895); Carpenter, "The Problems of llie British Fauna," in Natural Scieitn; vol. xi. (ib., ISDT); Parker and Haswell, Manual of Zoology (ib., 11100) ; also the Transactions (ib.. 1835 et seq.) and Reports (ib., ISn" et seq. ) of the Zoological tiociety of London. Flora. Sowerby, English Botany (12 vols., London, 1873-80) ; Watson, Topographical Bot- any of British ['hints (ib., 1883); IJabington, Manual of llriliKh Botany (2d cd.. ib., 1881): Bentham, Handbook of British Flora (ib.. 1887) ; Tumbull, Jndcx of British Plants (ib., 1890). Agriculture. Prothcro, The Pioneers and Progress of English Farming (London, 1880) ; Rogers, History of Agriculture and Prices (Ox- ford, 1882) ; Gamier, History of English Landed Interest (London, 1893) ; id.. Annals of the Brit- ish Peasantry (ib., 1895): Heath, The English Peasant (ib., 1893) ; Shaw-Lefevre, Agrarian Tenures (ib., 1893); Hasbach, Die englische'i Landarbeiter in den letzten hundert Jahren (Leipzig. 1894): Channing, The Truth About Agricultural Depression (London, 1897); Gra- ham, TJie Reviral of English Agriculture (ib., 1899). Industries ; Commercial Development. Rog- ers, Industrial and Commercial History of Eng- land (London, 1892) ; id.. »S'ia; Centuries of Work and Wages (ib., 1890) ; Cunningham, The Growth of English Industry and Commerce (ib.. 1890- 92) : Webb. History of Trade Unionism (ib., 1894), -which contains a bibliography; id.. In- dustrial Democracy (London, 1897): Rousicr, The Labour Question in Great Britain (ib., 1896) ; Bowle.v, ^^'ages in the United Kingdom in the Nineteenth Century (London, 1900) ; Burgis. Perils to British Trade and How to Avoid Them (ib., 1895) ; Gastrell, Our Trade in the World in Relation to Foreign Competition. 1SS5-95 (ib., 1897); Great Britain Colonial Office, Trade in the British Empire and Foreign Competition (ib.. 1897); Porter, British and American In- dustry (Chesterfield, 1901) ; Gibbins, Industry in England ( ib.. 1896); Bevan, English Manufac- turing Industries (13 vols., London, 1876); Holdsworth. The Sea Fisheries of Great Britain and Ireland (ib.. 1883) ; Schulze-Gaevernitz, The Cotton Trade in England and on the Continent. trans, (ib., 1895); R. C. T. Jones, The British Merchant Service (ib., 1898) ; also the States- man's Tear Book, ed. by Keltic and ReBwick (ib., annually) ; Whitaker's Almanac (ib., an- nually) ; and the Statistical Abstract of the United Kingdom (ib., annually). Transportation. Pattinson. British Railuat/s (London. 1893) ; Pendleton. Our Railways (it)., 1893) ; Findlay, Working and Management of an English Railway (5th ed.. ib.. 1894) : Grinling. History of the Great Northern Raihixiy (ib., 1897) ; Acwortli. The Railways of Enqland (ib.. 1900): Paish, The British^ Rniluay Position (ib., 1902) : and the Annual Reports of the Great Britain Railicay Commission (ib., 1874 et seq. ). Government. Constitution: Hallam, Consti- tutional History of England (8tb ed.. London, 1855) : !May. Constitutional History of England (3d ed., ib., 1871) : id.. Treatise on the Lau-. Priv- ileges. Proceedings, and Usage of Parliament (ibth ed., ib.. 1893) ; Bagehot. English Constitu- tion (ib., 1872; New York, 1882)'; Creasy, The Imperial and Colonial Constitutions of the Britan- nic Empire (ib., 1872) ; Freeman, The Growth of the English Constitution from the Earliest Times (new ed., London, 1873) ; Stubbs, (.'onstitutional History of England: Its Origin a/nd Development (3 vols., ib., 1877) ; Boutmy, Le developpemcnt de la constitution et de la socicte politique en An- gleterre (Paris, 1887; new ed. 1897), trans, as The English Constitution (London, 1891); Onelst, Enqlische Verfassungsqesehiehte (Berlin, 1882), trans. (4th"ed., London, 1895); Burgess, Political Science and Constitutional Law (Boston, 1890); Wendt, England, seine Ge- sehichte. Verfassung and staatiichen Enriehtungen (Leipzig, 1892) ; Goodnow, Comparative Admin- istrative Law (New York, 1893) ; Anson, The Law and Custom of the Constitution. (Oxford, 1896) ; Taylor, Origin and Growth of the British Constitution (Boston, 1898) ; Maty, The English Constitution (New York, 1899) :" Wilson, The State (Bo.ston, 1901): Hall, Treatise on the Foreign Poucrs and Jurisdiction of the British Grown (Oxford, 1894) ; Pike, A Constitutional History of the House of Lords (London, 1894). Parliament: Green, The Making of England (new ed., London, 1897): Ramsav, The Foundations of England (ib., 1898-1902)"; Todd, Pari ia in en tan/ Government in Enqland. cd. bv Walpole (3d'ed., ib., 1892); id.. Parliamentary (jovernmcut in the British Colonies ( ib., 1894) : Gneist, Das englische Parlament in tausend jdhrige Wandelungen (Berlin, 1881; trans., 4th ed., London, 1891) ; G. B. Smith, History of the English Parliament (London, 1892) ; Jeph.son, The Platform: Its Rise and Progress (ib., 1892) ; IJickinson. The Development of Parliament Dur- ing the Nineteenth Century (ib., 1895) ; Carr- Comni. Handbook of the Administrations of Great Britain During the Nineteenth Century (ib.. 1901); also Hansard's Debates, and for special periods, the "Epochs of English History Series." and the authorities referred to in this bibliogra- phy under History. Politics: Lecky, History of England in the Eighteenth Century (New York, 187"8-90) ; Dilke, 'Problems of Greater Britain (London. 1890) ; id.. British Empire (ib., 1899) ; Seeley, The E.rpansion of England (ib., 1893); id., Growth of British Policy (ib., 1895) , Seignobos, Histoire poliliquc de I'Europe contem- jioraine (Paris, 1897) ; Burrows. Historu of Foreign Policy of Great Britain (London. 1897) ; Canning. British Rule and Modern Politics (ib., 1898) ; Sanderson, The British Empire in the Nineteenth Century (6 vols., ib., 1898) ; Goldwin Smith. The United Kingdom : A Political History (ib., 1,899) : Wilkinson."Tr«r«)HZPo/iei/ (ib.. 1900)": Arnold-Foster. The War Office, the Army, and the Empire (ib.. 1900) ; Berard, L'Angleterre et I'impdrialisme (Paris, 1900) : Jose. Grotrth of the Empire: Handbook to History of Greater Britain (Ix)ndon, 1901): Hobson. Imperialism (London, 1902) Butler-Johnstone, Imperial Federation and Polity (ib., 1902) ; Bonwick. The British Colonies and Their Resources (London, 1886) ; Caldeeott. English Colonization and Em- pire (New York, 1891) : Egerton, Short History of British Colonial Policy (London. 1897) : Cres- well. The Growth and Administration of the British Colonies. /S.?7-.07 (ib., 1898); Liicas, Historical Geography of the British Colonies, 1837-07 (ib.. 1898) ; Zimmerman. Die europaisch- ' en Kolonien. vol. ii. (Berlin. 1899): also the Annual Register and the various official reports,