Page:The New International Encyclopædia 1st ed. v. 09.djvu/43

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GOLTERMANN. 23 GOMABA. He was born at Hanover, and received his musical education under Prell, Menter, and Laehner. Aftxjr completing liis studies lie trav- eled for two years giving concerts, in which he frciinently performed his own highly suc- cessful compositions. In 1852 he received a ])osition as musical director at Vihzl)urg. and in the following j-ear was appointed assistant conductor of the orchestra of the Stadtt heater at Frankfort-on-the-JIain, of which he hecame chief conductor in 1.S74. Besides a symphony (IS.jl) and t(i Fcsfspiel-Occrtiircs (op. "24 and 94), his compositions include sonatas, songs, and nu- merous works for the violoncello. GOLTZ, golts, AiTGUST Fbiedrich Ferdinand, Count von der (1705-1832). A Prussian states- man, born at Dresden, and educated at Leipzig and Frankfort-on-the-Oder. He was Prussian Ambassador to Denmark. Sweden, and Russia ; negotiated the Peace of Tilsit, was the Pleni- potentiary of Prussia at the Congress of Erfurt (1808), and concluded the last negotiations (1812) with France. After the tennination of the Napoleonic wars, he was appointed Prussian Councilor of State (1817). GOLTZ, BoGl-MiL (1801-70). A German hu- morist, satirist, and moral philosopher. He was born in Warsaw, attended the gymnasia at Marienwerder and Iviinigsberg, studied agricul- ture from 1817 to 1821, and for a time attended philologic and philosophic lectures at the Uni- versity of Breslau. In 1823 he purchased, near Thorn", an estate which he subsequently aban- doned to settle in Gollub and devote himself to the study of literature and [esthetics. In 1847 he removed to Thorn, whence he made extensive travels, and where he died. In 1847 appeared his Unch der Kindheif, in which, with a mystic ten- derness akin to that of Jean Paul, he depicts the impressions of his own childhood. This was fol- lowed by Eiii Jugendleben (1851), in similar vein. Der Menseh vnd die Leiite (1858) is a penetrative and peculiarly original study of va- rious races. Die Detitsclien (18(;0), revealing the same method applied to the German national genius. He wa* a profound thinker: hit his style, though often spirited, lacks technical finish, and frequently displays the grotesqueness of Richter without the latters imagination. His further works include: Ein Kleitistiidter in Aeeiyptcn (18.53): FcifienUaffer (1861-04); Die Bildunri niid die Gebildeten (1804) : and Die ^yllll■!:lrlhrit mid die Lebensu'eisheit (1809). GOLTZ, Friedrich (1834-1902). A German physiologist, born at Posen. He studied at Ko- nigsberg, and was there appointed a professor in 1865. In 1870 he became professor of physiology at Halle, and from 1872 to his retirement in 1901 occupied a similar chair at Strasshurg. His most important researches concern the functions of the nerve-centres, and in particular reflex nervous action. His writings include: Beitriifje zur l.ehre rnn den FunJ^-tionen der 'Kervencentren des Frosches (1869). and many contributions to the Archil- fiir pnthoJof/ifiche Annloniir, Pln/siol- Ofiit mid kHiiixrhe Medi.^in of Vircliow. GOLTZ. Koi,M.R. Baron von der (1843—). A Gennan soldier and military author. He was born at Bielkenfeld. East Prussia, was educated at the Military Academy. Berlin, and served in the Anstro-Prussian War of 1860. After the Franco-German War, in which he participated as an olliccr on the General Staff of the Second Army Corps, he was appointed to the historical depart- ment of the General Stall at Berlin, and quently became instructor in the IMilitary Acad- emy. He resigned from the German service in 1883, and entered that of Turkey, where he con- ducted the department of military education until 1806. In tluit year he returned to (rt'r- many, and was raised to the rank of lieutenant- general. His works on military history and tactics include: Leon (luinbctia uiid seine Armee (1877; also translated into French, 1877); Das Vo/A- in Waffen (4th cd. 1890) ; Der ihessalo- niscite Kricg und die iiirkisclie Armcc (1898). GOLTZ, Max, Freiherr von der (1838—). A German naval officer, born at Konigsberg. He entered the Prussian marine in 1853, was aiv pointed naval ensign in 1859, in 1870 was de- tailed for service in the Ministry of Marine, and in 1875 attained the rank of captain. During the disturbances in Egypt in 18S2 he was com- manding officer of Germany's Mediterranean squadron, in 1888 became vice-admiral and com- mander of the Wilhelmshaven Naval Station, and in 1895 was retired, with the rank of admiral, at ids own request. GOLTZ, TiiEODOR. Baron von der (1830—). A German agriculturist, born at Coblenz, and edu- cated at Erlangen and Bonn. In 1862 he was appointed instructor at the Royal Academy of Waldau. East Prussia, into which province he introduced the first agricultural schools. He was professor of agriculture at Kiinigsberg from 1869 to 1875, when he was appointed director of the Agricultural Institute in that city. In 1885 he was made professor of agriculture at Jena. His publications include: Die landimrtschaftliche Buchfiihrung (7th ed. 1892) ; Landwirtschaft- liche Taxationslehre (2d ed. 1892) ; Agrarische Aufgaben der Gegenicart (2d ed. 1895) ; Leit- faden der landimrtschaftlichen Betriebslehre (1897) ; and Vorlesungen uber Agrarwesen und Agrarpolitik (1899). GOLTZITTS, gol'tsi-oos. Hendrik ( 1558-1616). A Dutch engraver, born at Miihlbracht (the pres- ent Bracht ) . He was a pupil of Leonhard at Haarlem, where he later set up as a copper- plate printer. In his latter years he executed several paintings: but he is best known for his engravings, generally marked by an exceeding delicacy of line. His plates include: "Tlie An- nunciation" (after Raphael); "The Adoration of the Shepherds" ( after Bassano) ; and "The Adora- tion of the Kings" (after Lucas van Leiden) . GOLUCHOWSKI, gol'oo-Kov'ski, Agenob, Count of (1S12-75). An Austrian statesman, born in Galicia and educated at the .Jesuit Con- vent of Tarnopol and at Lemberg. He entered Government service, and was Governor of Galicia from 1847 till 1S59, when he was made Minister of the Interior. He gave up this position in 1860, and the next j-ear entered the House of Lords. In 1800-67, and from 1871 until his death, he was again Goveinor of Galicia and very active in favoring the thorough Polonization of the prov- ince. His son Agexor (1849 — ) was in the diplomatic service from 1872 until 1895, when he became Minister of Foreign Affairs. GOMARA, gft-mii'rd. Francisco Lopez de (1510-C.1559). A Sp.anish historian, born at Se- ville. He took orders, became professor of rhetoric at the University of Alealfi, and after-