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IGOB'S BAND. 455 IGUANODON. consort, on hearing of his fate; and the escape of Igor. Tlie original nianu.script, discovered by Wusin-Pushl<in and published in 1800, was de- stroyed in the Jlosuou fire of 1812. The editing was very poor, and another copy found in 1804 among Catharine 11. 's papers is hardly more sat- isfactory. It has been an object of bitter con- troversy, and a vast literature on the subject has grown up. A translation by Wolfsohn in Schiin- wissenschaftliche Lilteratur der liussen (Leipzig, 1843). and one with introduction and notes by Paucker (Berlin, 1884), are verj' good. IGRAINE, egran'. See Igeena. IGITALADA, e'gwa-lil'oa. A city in the Prov- ince of Barcelona. Spain, situated on the river Noya, in a mountainous but fertile district, 46 miles by rail northwest of Barcelona (Map: Spain, F 2). It was fonnerly a fortified town, but its walls are now in ruins. It has manufac- tures of cotton, linen, and other textiles. Popu- lation, in 1900. 10.476. IGUANA, ig-wii'na (Sp., from the Haitian name, igoana, hiuana, yuana). A genus of trop- ical American lizards, representing the family Iguanidfp. of which there are about 55 genera and TEETH OF AN lOCANA. 235 or more species. In external and internal structure iguanas closely resemble the Agamidse of the Old World and are distinguished mainly by the pleurodont dentition. The tongue is thick and villovis. .All the North American forms pos- sess femoral pores, but few of the South Ameri- can species have them. In habits also the Iguani- d» closely resemble the Agamidae, save that there are no flying forms to correspond with the flying dragon of the Agamidae, while in America some of the iguanas, such as Anolis, have digital ex- pansions, and others are semi-marine, neither of which conditions is met with in the Old World family. The family contains several of the larg- est lizards. Jlost of the species are arboreal, but some of them live on the surface of the sand and stones of the desert, and have a depressed form. Several species live wholly, or almost wholly, on vegetable food — the blossoms and leaves of plants. For this reason the flesh of sev- eral of them, especially of the genus Iguana, is very palatable, is sought by the natives of Cen- tral and South America as food, and is sold in their markets in considerable quantity. One of the species most eaten is Ifjuana tuberciilaia. a repulsive looking lizard, with a high, dorsal, fringed ridge, and a large dewlap (see Plate). It basks on the limbs of trees during the warm hours, and while thus situated seems rather in- diflfcrent to the approach of man. It is fond of music, and of ha ng the body stroked. The na- tives take advantage of these facts, and whistle a lively tune as they approach, and when near ■enough stroke the sides of the iguana with a stick until they succeed in getting a noose over its head. (Consult Belt, Naturalist in Xictiragua, London. 1S88.) The natives also dig them out of their bxirrows or chase them into trees with dogs trained for the purpose. On the Galapagos Islands there is a semi-aquatic genus, Ambly- rhyuchus, whose species feed on seaweeds along shore. This lizard is descriljcd in detail by Dar- win, in chapter 5 of his Naturalist's Voyage (London. 1860). There arc other species of the same genus that live for months without water by feeding on the succulent cactus. The great iguana of Jamaica, with the prominent serrate crest, is Vyclura loy/homa. In the Southwestern United States, from western Kansas to southern California and Mexico, dwell several genera of green, dark gray, or brown iguanid lizards, such as Uta, Holbwjokia (q.v. ). Cteno.saura, and Cro- taphytus. (See CoLL.REi) Lizard.) The large genus Sceloporus (see Aixigatob Lizabd) ranges not only over the western and central part of the L'nitcd States, but in all the Eastern and Gulf States as far north as New Jersey and Indiana. Another widely distributed genus, Anolis, has two representatives in the South Atlantic States, popularly called 'chameleons.' (See Anolis.) These lizards possess mimicry of color in a re- markable degree, and have a considerable power of changing their color. They are insectivorous, and the wanton destruction of them is much to be deplored, for in their native habitats they are of considerable economic importance to agri- culture. To this family belongs also the basilisk of Central and South America, so named on ac- count of its fancied resemblance to the creature of fable. (See B.^.silisk.) It is a large, harm- less lizard, found no further north than South- ern Mexico. The family also includes those pecu- liar, spiny, short-tailed, flattened lizards, known a.s 'horned toads' (q.v.). Consult: Boulenger, Catalogue of Lizards of the British Mtiseum (London. 1885) ; Cope, Croc- odilians. Lizards, and Hnakes (Smithsonian Insti- tution. Washington, 1900) ; Stejneger, Death Val- ley Expedition (Department of Agriculture, Washington, 1893) : Kingsley (editor). Staiulard yatiiral History, vol. iii. (Boston, 1885) ; Gadow, Amphibia and Reptiles (New York, 1901). See Lizard. IGUANODON, Tg-w5n'A-don ( Neo-Lat , from Eng. iguana + Gk. oiiowr, odous, tooth). A genus (if ornithopod dinosaurs, found fossil in Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous rocks of Europe. Iguanodon is perhaps the first dinosaur brought to light, for it was described by Mantell in 1S25 from specimens found in Kent. England. The animal was 15 to 25 feet long; the head was large and narrow, the jaws hea'y and furnished with numerous teeth of peculiar form that resemble those of the modem American lizard iguana. The anterior portions of the jaws are provided with strong, horny beaks like those of turtles. The fore limbs have four toes and a 'spur.' and are much shorter than the heavy three-toed hind limbs. The pelvis is elongated, and the tail heavv-, and there is a ridge of strong vertebral spines extending along the dorsal surface from the neck to the middle of the tail. AH the bones are hollow. Iguanodon was an herbivorous dino- saur that walked on its hind legs, and sat on a tripod formed by the hind legs and tail. aft*r the manner of the kangaroo. It lived in great num- bers in the swampy regions of England and Bel- gium, and other parts of Europe during Jurassic time, as indicated by the mode of occurrence of its fossil skeletons, twenty-nine of which were found at one time in Upper .Turassie sandstones of the coal regions at Bcrnissart, Belgium.