Page:The New International Encyclopædia 1st ed. v. 10.djvu/708

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INFUSORIA. 622 INGEMANN. name is of interest liistoridiUy because originally applied to all those niicioiirj.'anismK which swarm ill (ir;;«iiic iiil'ii.siniis. l)Ul it liooainc j;radiially re- stricted to its present liiiiit.-> with the advancc- Dieiit of hiolojjical rocarcli. 'i'he name was first used by Miillcr in the latter part of the eigh- teenth century; and the class Infusoria was re- moved from the 'Polyijes' by I.amarcU in 1807. The name of Khrenliertr is. however, especially associated with the Infusoria, his epoch-marking work on tlieni appearinjj in 18;t7. The most re- cent monograph of tlie group is that of Kent, A Haiiiifil „f ihr hifiisoria (London. 1880-82). INFUSORIAL EARTH. See Diatoma- cEoi -s i;aimii, INGALLS, In'gnlz, .Toun James (18.3.1-1900). An .American politician, born at .Middleton. Mass. He graduated at Williams College in IHon. stud- ied law, and in I So" was admitted to the Massa- chusetts bar. In the fidlowing year, becoming interested in the 'free State" movement in Kansas, he removed to Atchison in that State, and began practice. He was a memlier of the Wyandotte Convention in 1859, was elected Secretary of the Territorial Council in 1860, and after the ad- mission of Kansas to the Union in .January, 1861, became secretary of the new State Senate. The next year he was a member of the Senate, and was an unsuccessful candidate for the Re- publican nomination for Lieutenant Governor. From 1863 to 18(io he was editor of the Atchison Chiniipioii. and in 187.'t. after a sliaip contest, was elected by the Kcpublican Legislature to the United States Senate. In the .Senate, to which he was reelected in 1879 and 188.5. he was a iluent and frequent speaker, brilliant at repartee, and was an excellent parliamentarian. He was a faithful champion of the various Republican administrations, and was president pro tempore of the Senate from 1887 until 1891, when he lost his seat as a result of the Democratic-Populist successes in liis adojitcil .State. He spent liis last years in lecturing and in various journalistic enterprises. INOALLS, RtTts (1820-93). An American soldier, horn in Denmark. Maine. He graduated at West Point in 1843, and served throvigh the war with Mexico. In 1854-55 he accompanied Colonel Steptoe's expedition across the conti- nent. During the Civil War he sened with the Army of the Potomac, chielly in the quartermas- ter-general's department, and was present at many of the mo>t important battles, including Fredericksburg. Chancellnrsvillc. Gettysburg, and the Wilderness. He was mustered out of the volunteer service on September 1. 1860. with the brevet rank of major-general both in the volun- teer and in the regiilar army. In 1882 he was made brigadier-general and quartermaster-gen- eral, and on .July 1. 1883, was retired upon his own a|)p1ic.ition. INGAUNI, In-ga'n.'-. .

ancient tribe dwell- 

ing on the mountains and seacoast of what is now the western Riviera of Italy. They were active in the wars Ix-twet'n the Romans and IJgurians. and were allies of the Carthaginians in the Second Pinic War. .ftcr the battle with .Emilius Paulus. R.f. 181. in which they lost 15.000 men, very little was heard of them. Tlieir chief town was .Mbum Ingaunum, or Albingaunum (now Albenga ) . INGEBORG, Ing'cbOr-y', or INGEBURGE, ing'c-lHirirgc (117U-I230). A French iurri. Iiorn in Denmark. She was the sister of Canute 1 '. of Denmark, and married Pliilip .Vugu-.lus. King of France, in I1!I3. About three months after this marriage the King repudiated her and olitained a divorce. Pope innocent 111. supported tlio Queen's rights and excommunicated Philip, who had meanwhile married -Agnes of Meran (1198). Philip promi.sed to reinstate the t^ueen, but she was lirst imprisoned, and it was not until 1213, just before he left for Ii^ngland on his cxpidition against King .John, that she regained lier rights. INGELOW, m'je-lo. .Jean (1820-97). An Knglish poetess and novelist, born in Boston. Lin- colnshire. To the public she was unwilling to give the details of her life. Her first volume of verse, .1 Hhyming Chronicle of Incidents and FeelingK (1850), published anonymously, excited considerable interest. Another volume, 1'ocm.i (181)3), which included •'The High Tide on the Coast of Lincolnshire." attained instant success by reason of its freshness of tluaight and novelty of expression. Subsequently slie wrote .1 Slori/ of Doom (1867). and I'ocm.i of the Old Dai/a and the Xcw (1885). Her prose works include the novels Off the fUccllinn (1872) : Fated to He Free (1,875); .SV(ro/i de iurcni/er (1879); Don John (1881); John Jerome (1886); besides Slorir.^ Told to a Child: Mopua the Fairy; Htudivs for fftories ; The Suxpieioim Jaek&iw; A Sister's Hyc Hours; Quite Another Story; A Motto Changed (1803) : and others, .lean Ingelow is at her best in descriptive Ivries. l!v the side of "The High Tide" should be placed" "Divided." The charm of her poetry also passed into .some of her novels, notably Off the Slcelliijs, and Mopsa is a pretty tale of fairvland. Consult her I'oenis (Boston, 1892). INGEMANN, ing'f-inan, Bernhard Severin (1789-1862). A Danish poet and novelist. He was born at Torkildstrup, on the island of Fal- sler, May 28. 1789. and was trained at the Uni- versity of Copenhagen. His first Poems (1811) were of a dreamy and melaucholy religiosity. Proenc (1813) shows e'idenccs of requited love; The Black Kniyhts (1814) marks growing power, and the tragedy lllanca (1815) achieved a suc- cess of sentimental sensation. Ingcmann re- ceived a Government stipend, traveled, and on his return showed marked talent in narrative in Stories and Fairy Talcs (1820). Magnctis-m in a Barber's Shop, an unsiccessful comedy, clo.sed his career as a playwright (1821). He now be- came an academic lectirir at Sord. married and wrote historic poems and novels voluminously, with a childlike faith that he was contributing to history {Waldemar the Victorious, 1826; Frih Menved's Childhood, 1828; King Erik and the Outlau-.i, 1833; Prince Otho of ' Denmark, 1835, and others). He wrote also a collection of very popular Fvening and Morning Hymns. Jn the last decade of his life bis work was almost wholly religious. His last book. The Apple of Gold, ap- peared in 1856. Ingemann's collected 1I'or?,-.s were published in forty-one volumes (Copenhagen, 1843-65). Consult: Ingemann's Autobiography, . iditcd hy Galskjt ; Min Lcvnetsbog (Copenhagen, 1862); Heise, Breve til og fra Ingemann (ib., 1879) ; XorregArd. Ingemanns Digtcrstilling og Digteriard (ib., 1886).