Page:The New International Encyclopædia 1st ed. v. 11.djvu/592

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KLAPBOTH. 536 KLEBS. Oeographisch-historischc Beschreibung des iistli- clieii httukusus (1814) ; Asia I'ulyglotta (1823) ; Tuhleaux liistmriques de I'Asie (1823) ; Collcclion d'antiquitcs igyptiennes (1829): and Aperi:ii giiural des trois roi/aunies (1833), the last valuable for the study of Jai)ancse history. His Letire it M. le Huron A. dc Humboldt sur riincii- tioii de la bussole was edited by Wittstein (Leip- zif;. 1SS5). Consult: l.andvesse, Xoticc sur M. Kliilirolh (in vol. xvi. of the Xouveau ,/ouriuil Asintii/ue, Paris. 1835), and Larenaudifere, No- Ike sur AI. Klaproth (tome iv., Xouvelles Annates des }'o!iages. Paris, 1835). KLAPROTH, M.RTIN- Heinrich (1743-1S17). A German chemist, born at Wcrnigerode. He was member of the Academj' of Scienees, and profes- sor of chemistry at the School of Artillery and the University of Berlin. He was one of the lirst cliemists in Germany to recognize the value of Lavoisier's discoveries. He is also known for his analyses of minerals, published in his Bcilnige znr chvmisehcn Keiuitnis der Mineral- kor/xr (0 vols., 1793-1815). KLATTATT, klii'tou (Bohemian KIntovy). A town of Bohemia. Austria, situated in a fertile district, 30 miles by rail south of Pilsen (Map: Austria. C 2). It has a churdi dating from the thirteenth century, a former .Jesuit church with fine frescoes, an interesting town liall with a high tower, and a gymnasium. It carries on manufac- tures of woolen cl)th, macliinerv. chicory, and matches. Population, in 1890, 10,811; iii 1900, 12,793. mostly Czechs. KLAtrS, klous. Petek. In German legend, a goatherd of Sitlendorf. the story of whose twenty years' sleep in the mountains closely resembles "the adventures later attributed to Rip Van Winkle. The tale is found in Otmar's ^'oll;s- Hagi'ii. KLATISENBTTRG, klou'zrn-biSorK (Hung. Kolozsviir). A royal free town of Hungary, c ,p- ilal of the County of Klausenburg. and former capital of Transylvania (.Map: Hungary, H 3). It is situated on the Little Szamos. 123 miles by rail nortlwest of Hermannstadt, and consists of the old inner town and five suburljs. In one of the suburbs, on a hill covered with gjpsy huts, rises the citadel erected by General Stcinville in 1715. In the inner town are a Koman Catholic cathedral, completed in the fifteenth century, a Reformed church built by JIatthias Corvinus in 148l>, and the house in which that King was born. The western suburb contains the botanical gar- den, with an Italian villa and a museum. The chief educational institutions are the Francis Joseph University, founded in 1872. and hav- ing four faculties with an attendance of 000 students, and a lil)rary of 70.000 volumes: two higher gymnasia, a Unitarian theological semi- nary, an agricultural academy, a Fnibel Insti- tute, a girls' high school, and a numlier of spe- cial schools. The city has also a national theati-e. and the chief scientific and art organizations of Transylvania. It is the seat of a Unitarian and of a Reformed bishop. Tlic charitable institutions are noteworthy. Klausenburg has an extensive Government cigar factory, a number of dis- tilleries, and flour-mills, manufactures of farm machinery, a Government railway shop, factories of beet-sugar, cloth, paper, etc. The Transyl- vania nobility frequent Klausenburg in winter. Gypsy bands furnish much of the music for the public parks in summer. The town was founded by German colonists in 1 1 78, and became a free royal town in 1405. In 1848 it was captured by the Hungarian Revolutionists under Bern. Popu- lation, in 1890. 34,858; in 1900, 49,295, mostly Protestant Jlagyars. KLAUSTHAL, klous'tal. A town of Prussia. See CL.VL.STJ1AI.. KLAXJWELL, klou'vel. Gtto (1851—). A Gernuui ciim]Josev. born at Langensalza. He was educated at the iSchulpforta Gymnasium, served in the Franco-German War, and subsequently studied mathematics at the University of Leipzig. In 1872 he entered the Conservatory of that city, and devoted himself to music. He became a teacher at the Cologne Conservatory (1875), and in 1885 was made director of the Teachers' Semi- nary Classes (for jianoforte) in connection with that institution. He is a well-known composer of chamber music and piano pieces, and has written the successful opera Das Miidchcii ioih >S'e0 (1889). His books include: Dcr yortniq in dcr Musik (1883: Eng. trans. 1890) ; Der Fi'iigcrsatz des Kldvierspiels (18S5): and Formen dcr In- slrumcnliil-Musik ( lS9(i) . KLAVIATUR-HARFE, kla'vi-a-tnr.r' hiir'- fe (Ger.. keyboard-harp). A harp with piano keyboard, invented in 1893 by Ignaz Lutz of Vienna. The strings are plucked by plectra which are substituted for the ordinary Iianimcrs of the pianoforte. The tones of the instrument are full and ricli, resembling those of the double- action harp. The Klariatur-Zither, also invented by Lutz, is an instrument of similar construction. KLEBER, kla'bfir', Jean Baptiste (1753- 1800 1. A distinguished general of the French Republic. He was born at Strassburg, and after studying in the military academy at ilunich, entered the Austrian army. He abandoned the military career in 1783. returned to France, and worked as an 'architect till the Revolution. .Join- ing the Xational Guard, he rose rapidly, being made brigadier-general in 1793 for his services in the defense of Mainz. He fought bravely in l.a 'endce, and under Jourdan as general of division at Charleroi and Fleurus (1794). After beating the Ausirians repeatedly, he retired to private life in 1707. after having for a brief time lield the command of the French armies under the Directory. In 1798. however, he accompanied Bonaparte to Eg;pt, was dangerously wounded at the capture of Alexandria, but recovered so as to take part in the expedition to Syria, and won the battle of Mount Tabor. When Bonaparte left Egypt he intrusted the chief command there to Kleber. who concluded a convention with Com- modore Sidney Smith for the evacuation of the country, but on Admiral Keith's refusal to ratify this convention. Kli'lx'r. adopting th.^ hold resolu- tion of reconquering the country, attacked and destroyed the Turkish army at Heliopolis. March 20, 1800. and retook Cairo. During aij attempt to conclude a treaty with the Turks. Kleber was assassinated by a Turkish fanatic at Cairo. June 14. 1800. Consult Ernouf. Le general Kleber (Paris, 1807). KLEBS, klfps, Edwin (1834—). A German Iiathologist. born at Kiinigshcrg. He studied at the universities of Kilnigsberg. Wiirzburg. Jena, and Berlin, in iSfil, was appointed assistant to Virchnw at Berlin, and in ISOfi became professor of pathological anatomy at Bern. After service