Page:The New International Encyclopædia 1st ed. v. 12.djvu/457

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LOGANSPOKT. 405 liOGACEDIC VERSE. public library, and tbe Northern Indiana Hospital for tlip Insane, on the south side of the Wabash, comprising a cluster of buildings with a farm of over 300 acres. There are several bridges within the municipal limits across the Wabash and Eel rivers. The city is an important railroad centre, with shops of the Pittsburg, Cincinnati. Chicago and Saint Louis and the Van<lalia Line; controls a large trade in lumber and in the produce of the surrounding agricultural country; and manufactures automobiles, car-trucks, lum- ber, carriages, hubs and spokes, flour, furnaces, baskets, lime, brooms, water-wheels, and foundry |iroducts. Abundant water-power and a supjdy of natural gas are valuable industrial advantages. Logansport, first incorporated in 1838, is gov- erned by a mayor, chosen every four years, and a council, which elects the school board and all officers in other municipal departments, except- ing the police commissioners, who are apjiointed by the State Governor under a metropolitan law. The water-works and elcctric-liglit plant are owned and operated bv the municipality. Popu- lation, in 1890, 13,.328'; in 1900, 16,204. LOGA(EDIC VERSE (from Gk. X67ot, logos, speech, account, ratio + doiS-^, ooidc, song; 30 called because the verse resembles prose). In Greek and Latin prosody, a rhythm in three- eighths time, based on the trochee ( — -), but ad- mitting the .substitution of other feet with great freedom. The most common substitutions are the cyclic dactyl ( — - •", — ^-), which can usually be employed but once in the .same verse: the irra- tional trochee ( — »; the triseme (i — ); the tribrach ( - w w); and occasionally in the first foot an iambus i ). Anacrusis, an unaccented initial syllable, is employed in certain forms. The principal logacedic forms are the follow- ing: I. DIPODY. 1. Adonic: Tdrvta Bvfjjov I terruit |urbem II. TRIPODIES. Pherecraiics. These are called First or Second Pherecrniic. according to the foot in which the cyclic dactyl is used. 2. (a) First Pherecratic or Aristophanic: KatTTaXf Lydia or — ^ ^ as Te die per i/a/xa omnes L_|- A (b) First Pherecratic catalectic. not found in Latin ; ^ ir6is — ij (pi I <jiv/ (a) Herond Pherecratic: — 7 -> SvpTos d Tjdtjjv Pvrrha sub -> i ndv grato or — > (b) Second Pherecratic catalectic, not found in Latin: Besides the forms given above we also find in the Greek tragedians verses in which the first foot is an iambus or trochee. Also such verses as antro ,A -A. - : ~ -A. -I — -- I -A. -> I A, etc. lens III. TETKAI'OUIES. Glyconics. These also are named First, Second, or Third, according to the position of the dactyl. 4. First Olyconic, not found in Latin: 4k trora | fiov ira*' | epxo | A"it A 5. Second Glyconic: •jrbvTov x^^f^P^ V ^ emi rabitur inso 0. Third (llyconic, not found in Latin: (/nSra I pdvTa | -wavaatl f / A great variety of these forms is found in Greek poetry, especially in Euripides: and in ^Eolic verse the Pirst Glyconic is frequent with anacrusis, !> — - ~ 1 — ~ | — - I — -. This ia known as the Praxillean measure. 7. Enneasyllabic Alcaic: t6 : 5' evdev I S-fi/Mes 1 3'df t6 I pi4ff<jov sil I Vie la I boran I tes ge I luque 8. Lesser (decasyllabic) Alcaic: _ ^ _ > olvov iv I etKtt fjL^ I I'oiy fj.€ I QdffBiiv virglni I bue pue I risque I canto IV. PEXTAPODIES. 9. Lesser Sapphic: ToiKt I dpov' I dddvar^ I W0/)o Stra inte I ger vi I tit ecele 1 risque I purus Three Lesser Sapphics and an .■Idon.ic ( 1 ) form the Sapphic strophe. 10. Greater (hendecasyllahic) Alcaic: 7 -^ -A OU: XPh ""■ I KOKTl I 0i)lJ.OV I I TTlTp^ I TT-qV o i di pro i fanum I volgus et I aree I o Two Greater Alcaics, an Enneasyllabic Alcaic, and a Lesser Alcaic form the Alcaic strophe. 11. Dodecasyllabic Alcaic, not found in Latin: i I iTrXoit' I dyvd. IjneWix^ I *i«i5f I Sdir^oi 12. Phalwcean (hendecasyllabic) : - > de di Xpvffo K€ e faci puts, lis /3a pdKTa Kriup me I 1 so I dales 13. Pindaric, not used in Latin: l_ I — I I - - I -> luiva I avi rat px Ka Xer x" I pcvaai V. C0MP0.SITE LOGACEDIC VERSES. 14. Lesser Asclepiadean (Second and First Pherecratic catalectic) : - > 'K&fiav MaBce TOK ? X"' regi I bus tS> ^i(pG I OS ' xP^'<^*'5^ nas ata 1 vis edite 15. Greater AscUpiadic (the above with a Logaoedio Dipody inserted) : n/lXo ^w Tei5 i| o-js irpArc pov || SivSpiov I Vare sa era i| vitepri I us || severis nullam dfiw4 arbo A rem 16. Greater Sapphic (Third Glyconic and First Pherecratic) : — I -> I - II — I !- II - — I — te de I OS o I ro li Sybar | m || cur prope 1 res a mando