Page:The New International Encyclopædia 1st ed. v. 13.djvu/552

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MILITIA. 498 MILK. Oroakized Stkenqth, 1901 &TATE8 AND TEBRITORIES 1 E o 1 1 55 s «  11 1

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wo £ 1 States ""i ■■■■'2 1 3 4 2 i " "i " "i ""i 1 1 3 3 " "3 1 1 3 1 ...... ■""i 1 "'"i 1 '" "i "i 6 a 5 2U 21 8 58 47 47 13 9 2 23 17 11 13 7 23 18 11 33 24 7 6 25 13 IG 33 8 9 8 26 5 4 4 22 45 9 10 10 6 8 7 5 ti ■ "6 3 7 7 13 31 21 19 129 59 56 299 69 194 9 42 38 30 48 36 100 41 49 41 28 66 21 25 20 121 .59 56 147 56 59 39 48 25 36 1 21 91 14 16 22 ■ 21 . ...^ 5 "'i'i 20 13 12 47 71 79 36 231 74 127 498 156 465 20 87 106 52 111 305 225 66 147 93 88 l.W 78 87 66 267 113 122 287 129 127 85 144 80 75 6 m 159 54 46 63 18 42 24 20 31 '25 27 40 27 69 108 110 . 60 382 155 194 m9 273 700 42 139 140 112 176 3.52


104 220 l.W 128 251 126 119 91 416 186 195 470 193 195 l.M 218 111 115 11 1U4 290 78 71 95 24 71 31 26 43 '"42 60 60 46 130 1.156 1.232 710 4.737 1,258 2,426 13.551 3,765 8,643 320 1.915 2,186 883 1.684 2,677 4.429 1.348 2,361 1.220 1,390 2,829 1,516 1,058 1,213 6,585 2,222 2.911 6,.'->24 2,484 2.578 1.789 2.412 1,484 1,196 127 1.176 3,173 1,005 647 854 316 887 637 287 483 ■I 342 776 5 119 1,413 2 t;i9 4 038 3t'i8 2.().')4 Virginia 2,331 995 1,860 Sou til Carolina 3,029 4,767 1,462 2,681 1,373 1.518 3,080 1,642 1,777 1,304 6,001 2,408 3,106 Illinois 6,994 2,677 2,773 1,922 2,630 1,595 1,311 138 1,280 3,472 1,083 718 949 340 958 Malm 668


rtaii 526 Territories AlttHka 341 662 566 495 1,130 383 New Mexico , 612 626 Hawaii 541 1,260 48 752 2,415 5,536 8,761 106.998 116,749 sioii.s, the lirst Cdnsistinf; of men of the perma- nent lUiiiy who serve in the militia a.s follows: Carabineers and non-commissioned oflieers of all other corps serve ten years, with unlimited leave; other eor[)s, ineludiiifj cavalry, servinj; in the niohile militia three or four years, and in the territorial militia seven years. The levies of the second division .serve three or four years (ac- cordiiifi to the liraneh of the service) in the niohile militia, and seven in the territminl. The levies of the third division serve nineteen years, with unlimited leave, in the territorial militia. The period of trainin}; f<U' men of the sii'ond di- vision is from two to six months, spread oV(>r a period of several years. The third divisiim has thirty ilays' traininj.'. In time of war it does fiarrison duty, and constitutes the last reserve. The French ti'rritorial army, with its reserves, is orfianizeil similarly to the militia of Kn<;- land, on a purely local basis, .After servinfr thir- teen years in the active army and its reserve, soldiers are assifrned to twelve years' service in the territorial army and reserve. In Switzerland the entire army, comprising as it does every able- bodied citizen, is a militia, ref;ardin<; which see Sn-it.:crl(iiid in the article AuiUiKs. See Land- STURM; La.nuwehb; National Uvakd; Volun- teers, Military, MILK (AS, meole, meoluc, Goth, nii7iifc», OHG, milttk, Ger. Milch; connected with AS. viclcan, OHG. melchan, Ger. niilh-ni. Lat. miilgere. Gk. dudXyeiv, umrlprin. OChurch Slav, mlrsti, Lith. iiiil.sli. to milk, Skt. inarj. Av, marjx, to rub olT). The liquid secreted by the mammary glands of all mammals, and used primarily to nourish their youufi. Krom the earliest time it has been esteemed an im- portant and neces.sary article of food, and many hidden virtues were ascribed to it by the ancients. Its exact composition continued long unknown, and until the beginning of the