Page:The New International Encyclopædia 1st ed. v. 15.djvu/13

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ONA, o'na. A group of tribes, ap- parently constituting a distinct lin- guistic stock, inhabiting the shores and islands of the Strait of Magel- lan and the northwestern part of Tierra del Fuego. In spite of the cold and desolate nature of the country, they go almost naked and build only slight brushwood shelters, protecting their bodies by copious rub- bing of grease. They are tall and strongly built, and are expert hunters and fishers, using the club, sling, bow, bolas, and lance. Their bark canoes withstand almost any storm, and the baskets woven by the women are so well made that they will hold water. They have also trained dogs to hunt. Little is yet known of their religion or sociology, which, however, ap- pear to be as elaborate as among most roving tribes. They formerly numbered nearly 3000, but are being exterminated by the sheep-herders who have occupied the country.

ONATAS (Lat., from Gk. 'Ovirat) . A Greek artist, wliose activity extended from about B.C. 490 to 460. He was a native of .?<;gina and son of Micon. Among his famous works vreie a four- horse chariot at Olympia made for Hiero of Syra- cuse to commemorate a victory in the games, a colossal Hercules at the same place, dedicated by the Thasians. and a group of the Greek heroes easting lots to determine who slinuld accept the challenge of Hector. At Delphi was a large group of fighting men dedicated by the Taren- tines. Onatas is known only as a worker in bronze, but it is probable that the Jjiginetan sculptures (q.v. ) show his influence on tlie art of his native island.

ONATE, 6-nya'ta. Jua>- de (c.1o5o-c.1615) . A S|)ani>li explorer, settler of Xew Mexico. He was born at Guadalajara. Mexico, of which city his father was the founder, and married a grand- daughter of Cortes. In lo0.5 he received permis- sion from the Viceroy. Velasco. to colonize what Is now Xew Mexico. After his preparations were complete, the start was delayed by Monterey, who had succeeded Velasco as 'iceroy. and who wished to transfer the grant to Pedro Ponce de Leon. In the latter part of January. 1598, the force of 130 colonists ^rith servants and Indians started from Zacatecas ; it crossed the Rio Grande in April : and in .ugust founded San Juan, the first capital of Xew Mexico. Onate led several expeditions into Arizona 1 1.599, 1604, and pos- sibly 1611 ), and seems not to have been Governor of the new settlements after 1608. The principal source for the history of the expedition is an epic poem by Gaspar de Villagra (or Villagran), a captain, who accompanied Onate and made him the hero of the epopee.

ONAWA, on'a-wa. A town and the coimty- seat of Monona County, Iowa, 59 miles north of Council Bluffs: on the Illinois Central and the Chicago and Xorthwestern railroads (Map: Iowa, - 3). Jt carries on considerable trade as the commercial centre of a productive farming and stock-raising countrv. There is a public library. Population, in 1890.' 1358: in 1900. 1933.

ONCKEN, ftnk'cn. August ( 1844—) . A Ger- man ecunoniist. of the historical school. He was born at Heidelberg, studied there, at Munich, and at Berlin, and in 1872 became professor of politi- cal economy and statistics in the Imperial Agri- cultural Institute in Vienna, whence in 1877 he went to the Polytechnic Institute at Aix-Ia- Chapelle and in 1878 to the L'niversity of Bern. -Among his works are: Adam Smith in der Kul- tiirgeschichte (1874): Adam Smith utid Im- mnnuel Kant (1877) : Die Maxime "Laissez (aire et laissez passer" (1877); a valuable critical edition of Quesnay (1888). which gave fresh stimulus to the study of the physiocrats : (}e- schichte drr pnlitixchcn Oekonomie (part i.. 1901) ; and contributions to Bemer Beitrige eur (leschichle der Xatiotialokonomie, of which he was editor.

ONCKEN, Wilhelm (1838—). A German historian, brother of Augtist Oncken. He was born in Heidelberg: was educated there, and at Got- tingen and Berlin: taught at Heidelberg (1862- 70) : and in 1870 was appointed professor of his- tory at Giessen. In 1877 he became editor of the comprehensive series entitled "Allgemeine Ge- schichte in Einzeldarstellungen." He wrote: Athen und Hellas (186506) : Stadt, Schloss und Hochschule Heidelberg (3d ed. 1885) ; and in the series mentioned: Das Zeitalter Friedrichs des Orossen (1881-83) ; Das Zeitalter der Revolution.