Page:The New International Encyclopædia 1st ed. v. 16.djvu/12

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A PARTIAL LIST OF THE LEADING ARTICLES IN VOLUME XVI PIGEON I lllt'lS0ll PINDAR PirE. PRESBYTER! AMSM. ■profossor Hubert Lyman Clark, Dr. Dr. Charles L. Thompson. Alfred Charles True and Mr. Ernest PRESCRIPTION. '-- - ~" Professor Munroe Smith and Professor George W. Kirehwey. PRIEST. Professor Edward V. TTopkins and Pro- fessor Christopher Johnston. PRINTING. Mr. Theodore Low DeVinne and Mr. Charles Shattuek Hill. Professor Paul Shorcy. Mr. Moses Nelson Baker. PITTSBURG. Mr. V. .1. Splitstone. PLAIN CHANT. Professor Alfred Remy. PLANETS. Professor Harold Jacoby. PLATO. Professor Paul Sliorey. PLEADING. Dr. Harlan F. Stone. PIX>W. Dr. Alfred Charles True. I'OE. Dr. Hamilton Wright Mabie. POLAND. Professor Edwin A. Start, Professor Otis Tufton .Mason and others. POLARISCOPE. Professor William Hallock. POLAR RESEARCH. General .A. W. Greely. POLISH LITERATURE. Mr. .ludah Achilles JofTe. POLITICAL ECONOMY. Professor Ricliard T. Ely. POLITICAL PARTIES. PROBABILITY. Professor David Eugene Smith. PROFIT SHARING. Professor Franklin H. Giddings and Dr. Ah'in Sydney .Johnson. PRONUNCIATION. Mr. F. Sturges Allen. PROPERTY. , ^ ^ Professor Munroe Smith and Professor George W. Kirchwoy. PROTECTION. Professor Henry R. Seager. PROVENCAL LITERATURE. Professor I.,ewis F. Mott. PSALMS. Professor Morris Jastrow. PSYCHICAL RESE.VRCH. Professor Joseph Jastrow. PSYCHOLOGICAL APPAR.VTUS. Professor Edward Bradford Titchener. PSYCHOLOGY. Professor Edward Bradford Titcliener. PUEBLO. Dr. W J iMeGee. Professor Edwin A. Start, Dr. George puMPS AND PUMPING MACHINERY. Kriehn and Professor Howard W. Mr. Charles Shattuck Hill and Mr. Caldwell. POLITICAL SCIENCE. Professor Paul Samuel Koinsch. POMPEII. Professor James Morton Paton. POOLING. Dr. Max West. l'OPUL-TION. Professor Walter Francis Willcox. PORTRAITURE. Dr. (icorgo Kriehn. PORTUGUESE LITER.TURE. Professor J. 1). M. Ford. POSTAGE STAMPS. Mr. George Crawford C'apen. POST OFFICE. Dr. James Wilford Garner. POTTERY'. Mr. Russell Sturgis. PR.YER. Dr. Frank Hugh Foster and others. Moses Nelson Baker. PURITANS. Professor Williston Walker. PYRAMID. Professor Christopher Johnson. RABELAIS. Dr. Benjamin Willis Wells. RADIOACTIVITY. Professor .Joseph Sweetman Ames. RAILWAY BROTHERHOODS. Professor Richard T. Ely. RAILWAYS. Mr. Charles Shattiuk Hill. RECIPROCITY'. Dr. Henry Parker Willis. RECONSTRUCTION. Dr. James Wilford Garner. REFORMATION. Professor Edwin A. Start. REFRIGERATION. Mr. Charles Shattuck Hill.