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DENOMINATIONS Ministers Churches Members Gain

1890 1900 1890 1900 1890 1900  Per cent. 

 Seventh Day 284  372  995  1,470  28,991  55,316  91.0 
 Regular (North) 6,685  7,415  7,907  9,374  800,450  973,820  21.5 
 Regular (South) 8,957  12,058  16,238  18,963  1,280,066  1,608,413  25.5 
 Regular (Colored) 5,468  14,351  12,533  15,654  1,348,989  1,864,600  38.0 
 Seventh Day 115  119  106  115  9,143  8,991  -1.5 
 Free Will 1,493  1,619  1,304  1,486  87,898  85,109  -3.0 
Catholics, Roman  9,166   11,636   10,245   12,062   6,242,267   8,610,226  38.0 
Christians 1,435  1,248  1,424  1,520  103,722  111,835  8.0 
Christian Scientists 26  12,000  221  600  8,724  1,000,000  ...... 
Congregationalists 5,058  5,614  4,868  5,604  512,771  629,874  23.0 
Disciples of Christ 3,773  6,528  7,246  10,528  871,017  1,149,982  32.0 
German Baptists 1,622  2,612  729  850  61,101  95,000  55.0 
 Protestant Episcopalians 4,146  4,961  5,019  6,686  532,054  716,431  34.5 
Evangelical Bodies:
 Evangelical Association 1,235  1,052  2,310  1,806  133,313  118,865  -11.0 
 Friends: Orthodox 1,113  1,279  794  820  80,655  91,868  14.0 
 German Evangelical Synod 680  909  870  1,129  187,432  203,574  8.5 
Jews 200  301  533  570  130,496  211,627  ...... 
Latter Day Saints:
Mormons 543  1,700  425  796  144,352  300,000  110.0 
 Reorganized Church l,500  2,200  431  600  21,773  45,500  109.0 
 All Divisions 4,591  6,710  8,595  11,123  1,231,072  1,665,878  35.0 
 Methodist Episcopal 15,423  17,521  22,844  26,021  2,240,354  2,716,437  21.0 
 Methodist Episcopal (South) 4,801  6,041  12,688  14,244  1,209,976  1,457,864  20.5 
 Methodist Episcopal (African)  3,321  5,659  4,124  5,775  452,725  673,504  48.0 
 African Zion 1,565  3,125  1,587  2,906  349,788  536,271  5.3 
 Presbyterians (North) 5,934  7,335  6,717  7,469  788,224  973,433  23.5 
 Cumberland Presbyterians 1,861  1,734  2,791  2,957  164,940  180,192  9.0 
 Presbyterians (South) 1,129  1,461  2,391  2,959  179,721  225,890  33.5 
 Dutch 558  698  572  619  92,970  107,594  15.5 
 German 880  1,082  1,510  1,660  204,018  243,545  19.0 
Salvation Army .........  2,689  329  753  8,742  40,000  350.0 
United Brethren in Christ 2,267  1,897  3,731  4,229  202,474  243,841  20.0 
Unitarians 515  550  421  459  67,749  71,000  5.0 
Universalists 708  735  956  764  49,194  48,426  -1.5 

The large increase in the number of Christian Scientists is especially noteworthy. The Seventh Day Adventists, Mormons, the Salvation Army, and German Baptists also show an appreciable gain. The strongest denominations numerically are the Roman Catholics, Methodists, Baptists, Presbyterians, and Lutherans, in the order named. Details and latest statistics regarding the various denominations may be found under their respective headings.

The distribution of the several sects has largely followed the historic lines of immigration. The Roman Catholics are numerically the strongest in more than half the States, including New England, the far Northwest, and the Pacific divisions; while the Methodists and Baptists are about equally divided in the States south of Mason and Dixon's line. Massachusetts is the leading State of the Congregationalists, New York of the Episcopalians, Pennsylvania of the Presbyterians, North Carolina of the Methodists, and Georgia of the Baptists. See the articles on the various denominations.

Education. This topic is fully treated under the following headings: National Education, Systems of; Schools; Public Schools; Common Schools; Grammar Schools; Evening Schools; Universities; etc.

Charities. The National Government has no department concerned directly with charities, their control being in the hands of the State and municipal governments. Many private organizations and societies are also interested in the subject. See under the several State articles; also the articles on Charities; Pauperism; Charities and Correction, The National Conference of; Charity Organization Society; etc.

History. Colonial Period. The territory included within the United States of America was originally occupied solely by numerous tribes of Indians. The Northeastern coast was probably visited about the year A.D. 1000 and subsequently by the Northmen (see Vineland), and other navigators may in the following five centuries have sighted parts of the coast; but the existence of the American continent was unknown to the world at large until after Columbus's discovery in 1492. In 1497 John Cabot reached the coast of America, probably in the neighborhood of Cape Breton. The Portuguese Cortereal explored the coast southward from the Gulf of Saint Lawrence in 1500-01, and probably from as early a date as 1504 fishermen from Normandy and Brittany frequented the shores of Newfoundland. In 1513 Juan Ponce de Leon explored a portion of Florida in a romantic search for the fountain of youth; and in 1520 some Spanish vessels from Santo Domingo were driven upon the coast of Carolina. During the following year, through the conquests of Cortés (q.v.) and his followers, Mexico, including the territory later known as Texas, New Mexico, and California, became a province of Spain. In the same decade Verrazano explored the coast between North Caro-