Page:The New Latin Primer (Postgate).djvu/151

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Principal Parts of Verbs.
dēmō dēmpsi dēmptum dēmere take away
dīcō dīxī dictum dīcere say
dīvĭdō dīvīsī dīvīsum dīvidere divide
dūcō dūxi ductum dūcere lead
fīgō fīxī fīxum fīgere fix
fingō fīnxī fīctum fingere mould
flectō flexī flexum flectere bend
af-flīgō afflīxī afflīctum afflīgere knock down
flŭō flūxī [flūxūrus] fluere flow
gĕrō gessī gestum gerere carry, do
'iungō iūnxi iūnctum iungere join
laedō laesī laesum laedere hurt
col-līdo collīsi collīsum collūdere dash together
al-lĭcĭo[1] allexi allectum allicere entice
e-lĭcĭo[1] ēlĭcŭī ēlĭcĭtum ēlicere entice out
lūdō lūsī lūsum lūdere play
mergō mērsī mērsum mergere sink (tr.)
mīttō mīsī mīssum mīttere send
nectō nexī or nexŭī nexum nectere bind
ning(u)ĭt nīnxit   ning(u)ere snow
nūbō nūpsī nūptum nūbere marry (of a woman)
pectō pexī pexum pectere comb
pingō pīnxī pīctum pingere paint
plangō plānxī plānctum plangere beat the breast
plaudō plausī plausum plaudere clap
ex-plō[2] explōsi explōsum explōdere hiss off (the stage)
prĕmō pressī pressum premere squeeze
com-prĭmo compressi compressum comprĭmere press together
prōmō prōmpsī prōmptum prōmere bring out
quătĭō   quassum quatere shake
con-tio concussī concussum concutere shake violently
rādō rāsī rāsum rādere scrape
rĕgō rēxī rēctum regere rule
  1. 1.0 1.1 So il-liciō and pel-liciō.
  2. So other compounds, except ap-plaudō.