Page:The New Latin Primer (Postgate).djvu/159

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§ 296.


The following is a complete list of the Latin Prepositions, giving their general meaning, the cases they take (A., Abl., G.), and the forms which they assume in composition with Verbs and Adjectives. The most frequent change is the assimilation of their final consonant to the initial consonant of the Verb or Adjective.

1. Prepositions found separately and in Composition.

ăb, ā, abs from (Abl.), ā– before m, v: ā-mŏvēre. au- before f: au-ferre. abs- before c, t: as abs-condĕre, ās- before p: as as-portāre. ăb- elsewhere.

ăd to (A.). Assimilated before c, q: ac-cēdĕre, ac-quīrĕre; and sometimes before other consonants, a- sometimes before sc, sp, st: as a-spicipō[1]

antĕ before (A.), anti- in anti-stāre.

circum round (A.). Sometimes drops m as circu(m)-īre.

cum with (Abl.). Generally con- in composition, com- before b, m, p: as com-būrĕre. Assimilated before l, r: as col-lĭgĕre. cō- before n: as cō-nectere. cŏ- before vowels and h: co-ire, cŏ-haerēre.

contra against (A.). A form contrō- is also used in composition.

down from, from (Abl.).

ex, ē out of, from (Abl.). ex- before vowels, h, c, p, s, t: as ex-īre, ex-cēdĕre, ex-spectāre.[2] ef- regularly, ec sometimes before f: ef-ferre or ec-ferre. e elsewhere.

ĭn into (A.), in (Abl.). ĭm- before b, m, p: as im-bĭbere. Assimilated (sometimes) before l, r: as ir-rĭgāre.

intĕr between (A.). Assimilated only in intel-lĕgĕre.

[intrā within (A.)], īntrō- is used in composition.

ŏb in front of (A.). Assimilated before c, f, p: as oc-clūdĕre. Before s, t, sometimes written (as pronounced) op-, as op-tendĕre.[3]

pĕr through (A.). Assimilated only in pel-lĭcĕre, pel- lūcēre. Compounded with Adjectives it often means very.

post behind, after (A.). pō in pō-mērium.

prae in front of (Abl.). Shortened before vowels as prăe-īre.

  1. A form ar- is found in ar-cessĕre, ar-bĭter.
  2. s following x is sometimes dropped, as expectare, but it is better to retain it.
  3. os-tendĕre is compounded from a form obs-, compare abs. It is doubtful if ŏ-mīttĕe, ŏ-pĕrīre are compounds with ŏb-.