Page:The New Latin Primer (Postgate).djvu/176

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The New Latin Primer.

§ 345. Latin uses different Pronouns to express one of two and one of several.

Referring to two. Referring to several.
ŭter? which? quis? which? who?
ŭterquĕ each, both. quisquĕ each of several.
ŭtercumquĕ whichever. quīcumquĕ whoever.
ŭtervīs whichever you please. quīvīs which you please.
altĕr the other. ălĭŭs another.
neutĕr neither. nēmō̆ none, no one.
altĕrŭtĕr one or the other.
Hōrum hŏmĭnum ŭtrum laudās? ŭtrumque Which of these men do you praise ? Both.
Utrumvīs ĕlĭgē; altĕram mĭhĭ hăbēbō Choose which you please. I will have the other myself.
Altĕr altĕrī invĭdent They envy one another.
Centum mīlĭtēs ălĭus sŭpĕr ălĭum corrŭērunt A hundred soldiers fell, one upon another.

§ 346. One Another. "One another," ",,each other," are also expressed by intĕr with sē, nōs, vōs, as, inter sē dīlĭgunt they love one another, or sometimes by repeating the noun, as nēmo hŏmĭnem hŏmo āgnōvit no man recognised another.

§ 347. quisquĕis each one, each. Following Superlatives and Ordinal Adjectives it makes the expression general.

Optĭmŭs quisquĕ civĭs The best citizens.
Tertiō quōque verbo At every third word.
Prīmō quōquĕ dĭē On the first day possible.

If each means each one taken singly, singŭlī must be used: singŭlĭ singŭlōrum dĕōrum săcerdōtēs sunt there is one priest to each god;' crēscĭt in dĭēs singŭlōs hostĭum nŭmĕrŭs the number of the enemy grows each (or every) day.

Co-ordinate Conjunctions and Adverbs.

§ 348. Co-ordinate Conjunctions are used to join similar (Co-ordinate) words and sentences.

But very often no conjunction is used, and the connexion is only shown by the sense: ībō rĕdībō I shall go (and) return; Achillēs impĭgĕr irācundŭs ĭnexōrābĭlĭs ācĕr Achilles restless, passionate, implacable (and) fierce; vivŭs culpŏr, mortŭŭs laudābŏr I-am-blamed-while-alive,(but) I-shall-be-praised when-dead.

§ 349. Copulative Conjunctions introduce words or