Page:The New Latin Primer (Postgate).djvu/27

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Third Declension.

In this declension the Base of the Noun often appears in an altered form in the Nom. Sing. Thus the base of lĕō lion is lĕōn-, of hŏmo man, hŏmĭn-, of gĕnŭs kind, gĕnĕr-, of corpŭs body, corpŏr-. In order to decline a Noun of this declension it is not sufificient to know that it is of the Third Declension : we must also learn what its Gen. Sing. is.

Gender.—Various. For detailed rules see § 263.

Genitive Plural.—(1) Parisyllabic or Non-increasing Nouns, that is, Nouns which have the same number of syllables in Gen. Sing. as in Nom., have -ĭum in Gen. Plur.

(2) Imparisyllabic or Increasing, Nouns which have more syllables in Gen. Sing. than in Nom., have -um in Gen. Plur.

(3) But Nouns whose Nom. is Monosyllabic take -ĭum if the base ends with two consonants.

Note.—Pătĕr father, mātĕr mother, frātĕr brother, are only apparently Parisyllabic, as they have lost an e in the Gen. Sing., and so make Gen. Plur. pătr-um, mātr-um, frātr-um.

Masculine and Feminine Nouns.—Exx. (1) host-ĭs Gen. host-ĭs (m.) enemy; (2) cōnsŭl, Gen. cōnsŭl-ĭs (m.) consul; (3) ar-s, base art-, Gen. art-ĭs (f.) art.

  Sing. Plur.
N.V. host-ĭs host-ēs
A. host-em host-ēs
G. host-ĭs host-ĭum
D. host-ī host-ĭbŭs
Abl. host-ĕ host-ĭbŭs
  Sing. Plur.
N.V. cōnsŭl cōnsŭl-ēs
A. cōnsŭl-em cōnsŭl-ēs
G. cōnsŭl-ĭs cōnsŭl-um
D. cōnsŭl-ī cōnsŭl-ĭbŭs
Abl. cōnsŭl-ĕ cōnsŭl-ĭbŭs