Page:The New Latin Primer (Postgate).djvu/35

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Declension of Adjectives.

Neut. Sing.—Adjectives in -ĭs (M. F.) take -ĕ in Neut. N.V.A.

Adjectives of the Comparative degree (see below, § 35) in -ŏr (M. F.) take -ŭs in Neut. N.V.A.

Adjectives in -er (M.) take - in Neut. N.V.A.

In other Adjectives of this class there is no difference between the Masc. and Fem. N.V. and the Neut. N.V.A.

Abl. Sing.—The Abl. Sing, of Adjectives of this class shows an important variation from Nouns of the Third Declension. In Adjectives in -ĭs and -ĕr the termination of the Abl. Sing. is -ī, not -ĕ.

Neut. Plur.—The Neuter Plural N.V.A. of Adjectives of this class ends in -'ĭă. Except Comparative Adjectives, as mĕlĭŏr better, Neut. Pl. mĕlĭōr-ă; also vĕtŭs (M. F. N.) old, base vĕtĕr-, Neut. Pl. vĕtĕr-ă.

Gen. Plur.—Adjectives in -ĭs have -ĭum in the Gen. Pl.

Adjectives in -ŏr have -um.

Other Adjectives have -ĭum when the final syllable of the Base has a long vowel, or ends with two consonants; -um, when it ends with a consonant preceded by a short vowel.

§ 31. Exx. făcĭl-ĭs, făcĭl-ĕ, base făcĭl- easy.

prūdēn-s, G. prūdent-ĭs, base prūdent- prudent.

dŭplex, G. dŭplĭc-ĭs, base dŭplĭc- double.

Sing. Plur.
M. F. N. M. F. N.
N.V. făcĭl-ĭs făcĭl-ĕ făcĭl-ēs făcĭl-ĭă
A. făcĭl-em făcĭl-ĕ făcĭl-ēs făcĭl-ĭă
G. făcĭl-ĭs făcĭl-ĭum
D. făcĭl-ī făcĭl-ĭbŭs
Abl. făcĭl-ī făcĭl-ĭbŭs