Page:The New Latin Primer (Postgate).djvu/44

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The New Latin Primer.

§ 45. Declension of the Numerals.—For the declension of ūnus see § 29.

Dŭŏ two, and trēs three are thus declined:—

M. F. N.
N.V. dŭŏ dŭae dŭŏ
A. dŭŏ or dŭōs dŭās dŭŏ
G. dŭōrum dŭārum dŭōrum
D. Abl. dŭōbŭs dŭābŭs dŭōbŭs

Ambō both is declined like duŏ, except that the o is long. Duŏ (not ambō) has sometimes G. in -um, duum, of all genders. Comp. § 268.

M. F. N.
N.V. A. trēs trĭă
G. trĭum
D. Abl. trĭbŭs

The Cardinals from quattŭŏr to centum are indeclinable.

Dŭcenti, etc., are declined like the Pl. of Adjectives in -us.

Mīllĕ is indeclinable in the Sing.: in the Plur. (as dŭŏ mīlĭă two thousand) it is declined as a Neut. Noun; thus:

N.V. A. mīlĭă[1]
G. mīlĭum
D. Abl. mīlĭbŭs
  1. Not millia.

Ordinals are declined like Adjectives in -ŭs, -ă, -um; Distributives like the Plur. of such Adjectives.


§ 46. Pronouns are of six kinds:

  1. Personal Pronouns, used instead of Nouns, to show the person spoken of; as tū thou, nōs we.
  2. Possessive Pronouns, used as Adjectives, to show the person who possesses the thing named; as tŭŭs thy, thine, nostĕr our, ours.