Page:The New Latin Primer (Postgate).djvu/46

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The New Latin Primer.

The Reflexive Pronoun of the Third person is (Acc.) himself, herself, itself, themselves. The Sing. and Plur. are alike, and there is no distinction of Gender.

Sing. or Plur.
A. sē (or sēsē)
G. sŭī
D. sĭbĭ or sĭbī
Abl. sē (or sēsē)

§ 48. Possessive Pronouns.

mĕŭs, mĕă, mĕum my, mine; my own.

nostĕr, nostră, nostrum our, ours; our own.

tŭŭs, tŭă, tŭum thy, thine; thine own; your, yours; your own.

vestĕr, vestră, vestrum your, yours; your own.

sŭŭs, sŭă, sŭum his, her, hers, its, their, theirs; his own, etc.

These Pronouns are declined like Adjectives in -ŭs or -ĕr. But the Voc. Masc. of mĕŭs is or, rarely, mĕŭs; tŭŭs and sŭŭs have no Voc.

sŭŭs, like sē, is Reflexive, and only used of the Subject of the sentence; see also § 338. In other cases their is translated by the Gen. of a Demonstrative.

§ 49. Demonstrative Pronouns.

M. F. N.
hīc or hĭc haec hōc this
ĭs ĕă ĭd that
illĕ illā illŭd that, 'yonder [you)
istĕ istă istŭd that (of yours or near
ipsĕ ipsă ipsum self
īdem ĕădem ĭdem the same

Note.—Where only one form is given for a case, it is the same for all genders.