Page:The New Latin Primer (Postgate).djvu/49

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The rest like the Interrogative Pronoun except Neut. Plur. N.A. ălĭquă.

Other Indefinite Pronouns are compounds of quī or quĭs; see § 285.

§ 53. The forms quĭs (Masc. Sing.), quĭd (Neut.) (Interrogative and Indefinite), are generally used Substantivally; and quī, quŏd Adjectivally. So also ălĭquĭs, ălĭquĭd, and ălĭquī, ălĭquŏd.


§ 54. Inflexions of Verbs.—Verbs have inflexions to denote Person, Number, Tense, Mood, and Voice.

§ 55. Person.—The inflexions of Person are three, corresponding to the three Personal Pronouns; as, (1) ăm ō I-love, (2) ăm-ās thou-lovest, (3) ăm-ăt he-loves.

§ 56. Number.—The inflexions of a Verb vary according as the subject is Singular or Plural; as, Sing. hŏmō̆ am-ăt the-man loves, Plur. hŏmĭnēs ăm-ant the-men love.

§ 57. Tense.—Tenses show the time at which the action of the Verb takes place.

Latin has six Tenses: Present, Future, Future-Perfect, Perfect, Imperfect, Pluperfect.

The Present (Pres.) denotes that the action is occurring at the present time, that is now; as, vĕnĭō I-come or I-am-coming.

The Future (Fut.) that it will occur at some time after the present, that is in the future; as, vĕnĭam I-will-come.

The Future-Perfect (Fut. Perf.) that it will have occurred by some future time; as, vēnĕrō I-shall-have-come.

The Perfect (Perf) has two meanings:

(1) That the action has occurred by the present time; as, vēnī I-have-come. (Perfect Proper.)

(2) That it did occur at some past time; as, vēnī I-came. (Perfect Aorist.)