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1916-18; came to New York in 1918; spent three years at the College of the City of New York and one year as special student at Columbia University; has served variously as stenographer in the British Recruiting Mission. Associate Editor, the Brooklyn and Long Island Informer and later The Negro World, and is now Business Manager of Opportunity. Contributor of reviews, stories and articles, Vanity Fair, The New Republic, The Smart Set, the Saturday Review of Literature, Current History, The Independent, Opportunity, etc.

Nugent, Bruce: Sahdji; born Washington, D. C., 1905; educated at public schools and high school, Washington; art student.
Cullen, Countée P.: Selected Poems and Heritage; born New York City, 1903; educated at New York public schools; De Witt Clinton High, New York University, A.B., 1925 (Phi Beta Kappa) A.M., Harvard, 1926; winner of numerous poetry prize contests; has contribute verse to Harpers, The Nation, The American Mercury, Scribner's, Survey Graphic, The Crisis, Opportunity, Folio, etc. Author: Color, Harper & Brothers, 1925.
McKay, Claude: Selected Poems; born Jamaica, 1889, early education there; served in the Kingston Constabulary; came to United States in 1912; two years student of agriculture at Kansas State University; since then has followed journalism and writing; visited Russia in 1921; and has since lived abroad in Germany and France; formerly associate editor, The Liberator and The Masses; contributor to these, The Seven Arts, The Crisis, etc. Author: Songs of Jamaica, Spring in New Hampshire (London), Harlem Shadows, Harcourt, Brace and Co., 1922.
Grimke, Angelina W.: The Black Finger; born Boston, Mass., 1880; educated in private academies and Boston Latin and Normal School, since 1916; teacher of English, Dunbar High School, Washington, D. C. Contributor of verse and essays to numerous magazines. Author of Rachel, Cornhill Co., 1920.
Spencer, Anne: Selected Poems; born Bramwell, W. Va., 1882; educated at Virginia Seminary, Lynchburg, Va., where she now resides; engaged in writing and social work.
Bontemps, Arna. The Day-Breakers; born Alexandria, La., 1902; educated public schools Los Angeles, Cal., the University of California and Pacific Union College, 1920–23; A.B., 1923, Pacific Union College; now teaching Harlem Academy, New York City. Contributor to Opportunity, The Crisis, Palms, and other magazines.
Johnson, Georgia Douglas: Selected Poems; born Atlanta, Ga., 1886; educated at Atlanta High School and Oberlin College; contributor to Liberator, The Worker's Monthly, The Crisis, and Opportunity. Author: The Heart of a Woman and Other Poems, 1918, Bronze, a Book of Verse, Brimmer, 1922.
Alexander, Lewis: Enchantment; born Washington, D. C., 1898; educated at public schools and Dunbar High and Howard University; acted in the Ethiopian Art Theatre Company; member Playwriters' Circle and Ira Aldridge Players.
Hughes, Langston: Selected Poems and Jazzonia; born Joplin, Mo., 1902; educated at Lawrence, Kansas and Cleveland High School, Ohio; spent one year at Columbia University; since then has travelled extensively in Africa and Europe "on his own and for the sake of experience.” Contributor, The Crisis, The Worker's Monthly, Vanity Fair, Opportunity. Author: The Weary Blues, a volume of verse. Alfred Knopf, 1925.
Gregory, Montgomery: The Drama of Negro Life; born Washington, D. C., 1888; educated at Harvard College, A.B., 1910; Instructor, Assistant Professor and Professor of English, Howard University, 1911-24; Organizer and Director of the Howard Players, 1919-24, now supervisor of Negro Schools, Atlantic City, N. J.