Page:The New Testament of Iesvs Christ faithfvlly translated into English, ovt of the authentical Latin, diligently conferred with the Greek, & other Editions in diuers languages.pdf/134

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According to S. Marke

bourHOLY weeke. as himself is a greater thing then al Holocausts and Sacrifices. 34And Jesus seeing that he had answered wisely, said to him: Thou art not farre from the Kingdom of God. And no man now durst aske him.

35And Mt. 22, 41.
Luc. 20, 41.
* Jesus answering, said, teaching in the temple: How doe the Scribes say, that Christ is the sonne of David? 36For David himself saith in the holy Ghost: Our Lord said to my Lord, sit on my right hand, until I put thine enemies the foote-stoole of thy feete. 37David therfore himself calleth him Lord, and whence is he his sonne? and a great multitude heard him gladly. 38And he said to them in his doctrine: Ps. 109, 1.* Take heed of the Scribes that wil walke in long robes, and be saluted in the market-place, 39And sit in the first chaires in the Synagogues, and love the highest places at suppers: 40Which devoure widowes houses under the pretence of long prayer: these shal receave larger judgement.

41 Luc. 21, 2.* And Jesus sitting over against the treasurie, beheld how the multitude did cast money into the treasurie, and many rich men did cast in much. 42And when there came a certaine poore widow, she cast in two mites, which is a farthing. 43And calling his Disciples togeather, he saith to them: Amen I say to you, that this poore widow hath cast in [1] more then al that have cast into the treasurie. 44For al they of their aboundance have cast in; but she, of her penurie hath cast in al that she had, her whole living.

Chap. XII.

God first to be served & then the Prince.17. To Gods.) These men were very circumspect and wary to doe al duties to Cæsar, but of their dutie to God they had no regard. So Heretikes, to flatter temporal Princes, and by them to uphold their Heresies, doe not only inculcate mens dutie to the Prince, dissembling that which is due to God; but also give to the Prince more then due, and take from God his right and dutie. But Christ alowing Cæsar his right, warneth them also of their dutie toward God. And that is it which Catholikes inculcate: Obey God, doe as he commandeth; Serve him first, and then the Prince.

Marying the brothers wife.Lev. 18, 16.
Deu. 25, 5.
19. His brother shal take.) Marke wel here, that the Law which saith, Thou shalt not marie thy brothers wife, is not such as admitteth no dispensation, as though this mariage were against nature. For here the same Law saith, that in some case, the brother not only might but then was bound to marry his brothers wife.

Many truths deduced out of scripture which Heretikes see not.24. Not knowing the Scriptures.) Who would have thought that by this place of Scripture alleaged by Christ, the Resurrection were proved? and yet we see that Christ doth hereby deduce it, and chargeth these great Doctours and Maisters (which arrogated to them selves the knowledge of Scriptures) that it is their ignorance, that they knew not so to deduce it. No marvel then if the Holy Doctours and Catholike Church make the like deduction sometime and proofes, where the Heretike doth not or wil not see so much, therfore no doubt, because he knoweth not the Scriptures, whereof he boasteth so much, nor the sense of the holy Ghost in them. For example, when of that place, It shal not be forgiven in this world nor in the world to come, ancient Fathers deduce, that there are sinnes remitted after this life in Purgatorie. See Mat. 12, 32.

Heretikes ignorant and without faith.24. The power of God.) Even so doe heretikes erre two waies: because they know not the Scriptures, which they interpret contrarie to the sense of the whole Church and of al the ancient Fathers, and because they know not the power of God, that as he is able to raise the selfe same bodies againe, so he can make his body present in many places: but being altogether faithlesse and not beleeving his power, they dispute of al such matters, only by reason and their owne imagination.

  1. God doth accept almes that are correspondent to every mans abilitie: and the more able, the more must a man give.