Page:The New Testament of Iesvs Christ faithfvlly translated into English, ovt of the authentical Latin, diligently conferred with the Greek, & other Editions in diuers languages.pdf/163

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The Ghospel

was an hungred and they that were with him: 4 1. Re. 21, 4.* how he entred into the house of God, and tooke the loaves of Proposition, and did eate, and gave to them that were with him, which it is not lawful to eate Lev. 24, 9.* but only for Priests? 5And he said to them: That the Sonne of man is Lord of the Sabboth also.

6And it came to passe on another Sabboth also, that he entred into the Synagogue, and taught. Mt. 12. 10.
Mr. 3, 1.
* And there was a man, and his right hand was withered. 7And the Scribes and Pharisees watched if he would cure on the Sabboth; that they might find how to accuse him. 8But he knew their cogitations: and he said to the man that had the withered hand: Arise, and stand forth into the middes. And rising he stood. 9And Jesus said to them: I aske you, if it be lawful on the Sabboths to doe wel or il; to ″ save a soule or to destroy? 10And looking about upon them al, he said to the man: Stretch forth thy hand. And he stretched it forth; and his hand was restored. 11And they were replenished with madnes; and they communed one with another what they might doe to Jesus.

The Ghospel upon S. Bartlemewes day.12And it came to passe in those dayes, he went forth into the mountaine to pray, and he passed ″ the whole night in the prayer of God. 13 Mt. 10, 1.
Mr. 3, 1. 6, 7.
Lu. 9, 1.
* And when day was come, he called his Disciples; and he chose twelve of them(″ whom also he named Apostles). 14 ″ Simon whom he surnamed Peter, and Andrew his brother, James and John, Philippe and Bartholomew, 15Matthew and Thomas, James of Alphæus and Symon that is called Zelotes, 16and Jude of James, and Judas Iscariote which was the traitour. The Ghospel upon Ss. Fabian and Sebastians day, Jan. 20. upon Alholowes eve. And for many Martyrs.17And descending with them he stood in a plaine place, and the multitude of his Disciples, and a very great companie of people from al Jewrie and Hierusalem, and the sea coast both of Tyre and Sidon, 18which were come to heare him, and to be healed of their maladies. And they that were vexed of uncleane Spirits, were cured. 19And al the multitude [1] sought to touch him, because vertue went forth from him, and healed al. ✠ 20And he lifting up his eyes upon his Disciples, said:

Mt. 5, 2. 6, 7.* Blessed are ye poore: for yours is the Kingdom of God. 21Blessed are you that now are an hungred: because you shal be filled. Blessed are you that now doe weepe: because you shal laugh. 22Blessed shal you be when men shal hate you, and when they shal separate you, and upbraid you, and abandon your name as evil, for the Sonne of mans sake. 23 ″ Be glad in that day and rejoyce; for behold, your reward is much in Heaven. ✠ For according to these things did their Fathers to the Prophets. 24But woe to you that are rich: because you have your consolation. 25Woe to you that are filled: because you shal be hungrie. Woe to you that now doe laugh: because you shal mourne and weep. 26Woe, when al men ″ shal blesse you: For according to these things did their Fathers to the false-Prophets.

27But to you I say that doe heare: Love your enemies, doe good to them that hate you. 28Blesse them that curse you, and pray for them that calumniate you. 29And he that striketh thee on the cheeke, offer also the other. And from him that taketh away from thee thy robe, prohibit not thy coate also. 30And [2] to every one that asketh thee, give,

  1. See S. Mar. Annot. c. 5, 28.
  2. That is, to every one justly asking. For that which is unjustly asked, may be justly denied. Aug. l. 1. c. 40. de Serm. Do. in monte.