Page:The New Testament of Iesvs Christ faithfvlly translated into English, ovt of the authentical Latin, diligently conferred with the Greek, & other Editions in diuers languages.pdf/172

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According to S. Luke

the sonnes of Josephs brother, or (as the more received opinion is) the sonnes of our Ladies sister called Marie of James, which James therfore is also called the brother of our Lord.

A third place after this life.55. Her spirit returned.) This returning of the soules againe into the bodies of them whom CHRIST and his Apostles raised from death (specially Lazarus who had been dead foure dayes) doth evidently prove a third place against our adversaries, that say, every one goeth straight to Heaven or to Hel. For it can not be thought that they were called from the one or the other, and therfore from some third place.

Chap. IX.

His Twelve also now preaching every where and working miracles. 6. Herod and al doe wonder much. 10. After which, he taketh them and goeth into the wildernesse: where he cureth and teacheth, feeding 5000. with five loaves. 18. Peter confessing him to be Christ, 21. he on the other side foretelleth his Passion, and that al must in time of persecution follow him therein. 27. Whereunto to encourage us the more, 27. he giveth in his Transfiguration a sight of the glorie, which is the reward of suffering. 37. The next day he casteth out a Divel which his Disciples could not. 43. Whom amiddes these wonders he forewarneth againe of his scandalous Passion. 49. And to cure their ambition, he telleth them, that the most humble he esteemeth most: 49. bidding them also not to prohibit any that is not against them. 51. Yea and toward such as be against them Schismatically, to shew mildnes for al that. 57. Of following him, three examples.

Mt. 10, 1.
Mr. 3, 13. 6, 8.
The Ghospel upon Thursday in whithsunweek.AND calling together the twelve Apostles, he gaue them [1] vertue and power over al Divels, and to cure maladies. 2And he sent them to preach the Kingdom of God; and to heale the sicke. 3And he said to them: Take nothing for the way, neither rod, nor skrip, nor bread, nor money, neither have two coates. 4And into whatsoever house you enter, tarie there, and thence doe not depart. 5And whosoever shal not receive you, going forth out of that citie, shake of the dust also of your feet [2] for a testimonie upon them. 6And going forth they went a circuit from towne to towne evangelizing and curing every where.✠

7And Mt. 14, 1.
Mar. 6, 14.
* Herod the Tetrarch heard al things that were done by him; and he staggered because it was said of some, That John was risen from the dead. 8But of othersome, That Elias hath appeared; and of others, that a Prophet one of the old ones was risen. 9And Herod said: John I have beheaded; but who is this of whom I heare such things? And he sought for to see him.

10And Mt. 14, 13. Mar. 6, 31. Jo. 6, 5.* the Apostles being returned, reported to him whatsoever they did: and taking them he retired apart into a desert place, which belongeth to Beth-saida. 11Which the multitudes understanding, followed him & he received them, and spake to them of the Kingdom of God, and them that had need of cure he healed. 12And the day began to draw towards an end. And the Twelve comming neere, said to him: Dimisse the multitudes, that going into townes and villages here about, they may have lodging, and find meates; because here we are in a desert place. 13And he said to them: Give you them to eate. But they said: We

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  1. To command Divels and diseases either of body or soule, is by nature proper to God only: but by Gods guift, men also may have the same: even so to forgive sinnes.
  2. A great fault to reject the true Preachers, or not to admit them into house for needful harbour and sustenance.