Page:The New Testament of Iesvs Christ faithfvlly translated into English, ovt of the authentical Latin, diligently conferred with the Greek, & other Editions in diuers languages.pdf/195

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The Ghospel

this stranger. 19And he said to him: Arise, goe thy wayes; because [1] thy faith hath made thee safe. ✠

20And being asked of the Pharisees: when commeth the Kingdom of God? he answered them and said: The Kingdom of God commeth not with observation: 21neither shal they say: Loe here, or loe there. For loe [2] the Kingdom of God is within you.

22And he said to his Disciples: The dayes wil come when you shal desire to see one day of the Sonne of man; and you shal not see. 23 Mt. 24, 23.
Mr. 13, 21.
* And they wil say to you, Loe here and loe there. [3] Goe not, neither doe ye follow after. 24For even as the lightning that lightneth from under Heaven, unto those partes that are under Heaven, shineth: so shal the Sonne of man be in his day. 25But first he must suffer many things and be rejected of this generation. 26And as it came to passe in the Gen. 7, 5.* dayes of Noe, so shal it be also in the dayes of the Sonne of man. 27They did eate and drinke, they did marie wives and were given to mariage even until the day that Noe entred into the arke: and the floud came, and destroyed them al. 28Likewise as it came to passe in the Gen. 19, 24.* dayes of Lot: They did eate and drinke, bought and sould, planted, and builded: 29and in the day that Lot went out from Sodome, it rained fire and brimstone from Heaven, and destroyed them all: 30according to these things it shal be in the day that the Sonne of man shal be revealed. 31In that houre he that shal be in the house-top, and his vessel in the house, let him not goe downe to take them up: and he that is in the field, in like manner let him not returne backe. 32Be mindful of Gen. 19, 26.* Lots wife. 33Whosoever seeketh to save his life, shal lose it: and whosoever doth lose the same, shal quicken it. 34I say to you, in that night there shal be two in one bed: the one shal be taken, and the other shal be left: 35two women shal be grinding together: the one shal be taken, and the other shal be left: two in the field: the one shal be taken, and the other shal be left. 36They answering say to him: Where Lord? 37Who said to them: Wheresoever the body shal be, thither wil the eagles also be gathered together.


Chap. XVII.

How we are unprofitable and profitable servants.10. Unprofitable servants.) If our Saviour had said that the keeping of Gods commandements had bene unprofitable and not available to our selves, then might the Protestant have truly argued thereby that our workes deserve not Heaven or any reward at Gods hand: but so he said not, but that our service is to God unprofitable, who calleth for it as duty, and not as a thing needful or profitable to himself. And though here our Maister teach us so humbly to conceive of our owne doings toward him, yet him self elswhere calleth not his servants unprofitable when they have done their labour, but speaketh thus, Mt. 25, 21.Good and faithful servant, because thou wast faithful in a litle, I wil place thee over much: enter into the joy of thy Lord. Yea of such as serve him in the grace of the new Testament, he affirmeth that he wil not now Jo. 14, them servants but freinds, yea and take them for his owne children, and as his freinds and sonnes he counteth of us and our workes towards heaven, though we in humilitie and truth must confesse alwayes that we be to him unprofitable servants. Yea and S. Paul saith plainly, that by cleansing ourselves from sinful workes we shal be profitable vessels to our lord. 2 Tim. 2, 21.

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  1. And yet we see here it was not only by faith, but also his thankfulnes and returning to give glorie to God.
  2. Whiles they talke and looke for a temporal Kingdom in pompe and glorie, loe their King and Messias was now among them: whose spiritual Kingdom is within al the faithful that have dominion over sinne.
  3. No man must runne out of the Church after Schismatikes to heare them preach Christ in corners, Christs doctrine being open in al the world. See annot. Mt. 24, 23.