Page:The New Testament of Iesvs Christ faithfvlly translated into English, ovt of the authentical Latin, diligently conferred with the Greek, & other Editions in diuers languages.pdf/201

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The Ghospel

that hath given thee this power? 3And Jesus answering, said to them: I also wil aske you one word. Answer me. 4The Baptisme of John was it from Heaven, or of men? 5But they thought within themselves, saying: That if we say, From Heaven, he wil say: Why then did you not beleeve him? 6But if we say, of men: the whole people wil stone us: for they are certaine that John is a Prophet. 7And they answered that they knew not whence it was. 8And Jesus said to them: Neither doe I tel you in what power I doe these things.

9And he began to say to the people this parable, Esa. 5, 1.
Mt. 21, 33. Mr. 12, 1.
* A certaine [1] man planted a vineyard, and let it out to husbandmen: and he was from home a long time. 10And in time he sent to the husbandmen a servant, that they should give him of the fruit of the vineyard. Who beating him sent him away emptie. 11And againe he sent another servant. But they beating him also and reprochfully abusing him, sent him away emptie. 12And againe he sent the third: who wounding him also, cast him out. 13And the lord of the vineyard said: What shal I doe? I wil send my beloved sonne: perhaps when they shal see him, they wil reverence him. 14Whom when the husbandmen saw, they thought within themselves, saying: This is the heire, let us kil him, that the heritage may be ours. 15And casting him forth out of the vineyard, they killed him. What therfore wil the Lord of the vineyard doe to them? 16He wil come, and wil destroy these husbandmen, and wil give the vineyard to others. Which they hearing, said to him: God forbid. 17But he beholding them said: What is this then that is written, Ps. 11, 22.The stone which the builders rejected, the same is become into the head of the corner? 18Every one that falleth upon this stone, shal be quashed: and upon whom it shal fal, it shal breake him to pouder. 19And the cheefe Priests and Scribes sought to lay hands upon him that houre: and they feared the people, for they knew that he spake this similitude to them.

Mt. 22, 15. Mr. 12, 13.* 20And watching, they sent spies which should feine themselves just: that they might take him in his talke, and deliver him to the principalitie and power of the President. 21And they asked him, saying: Maister, we know that thou speakest and teachest rightly; and thou doest not accept person, but teachest the way of God in truth. 22Is it lawful for us to give tribute to Caesar, or no? 23But considering their guile, he said to them: Why tempt you me? 24Shew me a penie. Whose image hath it and inscription? They answering said: Caesars. 25And he said to them: Render therfore the things that are Caesars, [2] to Caesar: and the things that are Gods, to God. 26And they could not reprehend his word before the people: and marveling at his answer, they held their peace. 27 Mt. 22, 23. Mr. 12, 18.* And there came certaine of the Sadducees, which denie that there is a resurrection, and they asked him, 28saying: Maister, Moyses gave us in writing: Deu. 25, 5.* If a mans brother die having a wife, and he have no children, that his brother take her to wife, and raise up seed to his brother. 29There were therfore seven brethren: and the first tooke a wife, and died without children. 30And the next tooke her, and he died without child. 31And the third tooke her. In like manner also al the seven, and they left no seed, and died. 32Last of al the woman

  1. See the marginal annotations Marc. 12.
  2. So duties must be done to Princes, that our dutie to God be not neglected: See Annot. Mat. c. 22, 21.