Page:The New Testament of Iesvs Christ faithfvlly translated into English, ovt of the authentical Latin, diligently conferred with the Greek, & other Editions in diuers languages.pdf/29

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The Ghospel

Mathan begat Jacob. 16And Jacob begat ″ Joseph the husband of Marie: ∷∷ De qua of whom was borne Jesus, who is called Christ. ✠

17Therfore al the Generations from Abraham unto David, fourteen Generations. And from David to the Transmigration of Babylon, fourteen Generations. And from the Transmigration of Babylon unto Christ, fourteen Generations.

The Ghospel upon Christmas eve & upon S. Joseph day the 19. of March.18And the Generation of Christ was in this wise. When his mother Marie was spoused to Joseph, before they came together, she was found to be with child, by the Holy Ghost. 19Whereupon Joseph her husband for that he was a [1] just man, & would not *Deu. 14, 1 put her to open shame: was minded secretly to dimisse her. 20But as he was thus thinking, behold the Angel of our Lord appeared to him in sleepe saying: Joseph sonne of David, feare not to take Marie thy wife, for that which is ″ borne in her, is of the Holy Ghost. 21And she shal bring forth a Sonne: and thou shalt call his name [2] Jesus. For he shal save his people from their sinnes. ✠ 22And al this was done that it might be fulfilled which our Lord spake by the Prophet saying. Esa. 7, 14.23Behold ″ a Virgin shal be with childe, & ″ bring forth a sonne, and they shal call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, God with us. 24And Joseph rising up from sleepe, did as the Angel of our Lord commaunded him, & tooke his wife. And he knew her not ″ til she brought forth her ″ first borne Sonne: & called his name Jesus.


3. Thamar.) Christ abhorred not to take flesh of some that were il, as he chose Judas among his Apostles: Let not us disdaine to receave our spiritual birth and sustenance of such as be not alwayes good.

16. Joseph.) Joseph marying our Lady as neere of kinne (for so was the Nu. 36.* law) by his pedegree sheweth hers, and consequently Christs pedegree from David.

16. Husband.) True and perfect mariage, and continual living in the same, without carnal copulation. Aug. lib. 2. Consen. Evang. c. 1.

20. Borne in her.) The triple good or perfection of mariage accomplished in the parents of Christ, to wit, Issue, Fidelitie, Sacrament. Aug. de nup. & conc. li. 1. c. 11.

Virginitie preferred.23. A Virgin.) Our Saviour borne in mariage, but yet of a Virgin, would honour both states: and withal, teacheth us agaynst Jovinian the old Heretike and these of our time, that virginity and the continent life are preferred before mariage that hath carnal copulation, See S. Hierom. adv. Jovin. & S. Greg. Nazianz. Ser. 20. de studio in pauperes, in initio.

Our B. Ladies perpetual virginity.23. A Virgin.) As our Ladie both a virgin and a mother, brought forth Christ the head corporally: so the Church a virgin and a mother, bringeth forth the members of this head spiritually. Aug. li. de Virg. ca. 2.

24. And bring forth.) The Heretike Jovinian is here refuted, holding that her virginity was corrupted in bringing forth Christ. Aug. hær. 28. Li. 1 cont. Julian. c. 2.

Tradition.24. Til, First-borne.) Helvidius of old abused these wordes, til, and first borne, against the perpetual virginity of our B. Ladie Hiero. cont. Helv. which truth though not expressed in Scripture, yet our Adversaries also do graunt, & Helvidius for denial therof was condemned for an heretike by tradition only. Aug. hær. 84.

  1. This word Just, sounding that a man is just in deede, & not only so imputed, Protestants translate Righteous in this and divers other places.
  2. JESUS an Hebrew word, in English SAVIOUR.