Page:The New Testament of Iesvs Christ faithfvlly translated into English, ovt of the authentical Latin, diligently conferred with the Greek, & other Editions in diuers languages.pdf/49

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The Ghospel


He giveth to the Twelve the power of Miracles, and so sendeth them to the lost sheep of the Jewes, 5. with instructions accordingly: 10. and by occasion of the sending, foretelleth of the persecutions after his Ascension, arming them and al other against the same, 40. and also exhorting the people to harbour his servants in such times of persecution.

ANd having called his twelve Disciples togeather, Mar. 3, 13. 6, 7.
Lu. 6, 13. 9, 1.
* he gave them ″ power over uncleane Spirits, that they should cast them out, & should cure al manner of disease, & al manner of infirmitie.

2And the names of the twelve Apostles be these: The ″ first, Simon who is called Peter, and Andrew his brother, 3James of Zebedee, and John his brother, Philip and Barthlemew, Thomas and Matthew the publican, and James of Alphæus, & Thaddæus, 4Simon Cananæus, & Judas Iscariote, who also betrayed him.

5These twelve did Jesus send: commanding them, saying: Into the way of the [1] Gentiles goe ye not, and into the cities of the Samaritans enter ye not: 6but goe rather to the sheep that are perished of the house of Israel. 7And going preach, saying: That the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand. 8Cure the sick, raise the dead, cleanse the lepers, cast out Divels: gratis you have receaved, gratis give ye. 9Do not ″ possesse gold, nor silver, nor money in your purses: 10not a skrip for the way, neither two coates, neither shoes, neither rod. For the workman is worthie of his meate. 11And into whatsoever citie or towne you shal enter, inquire who in it is worthie: and there tarie til you goe forth. 12And when ye enter into the house, salute it, saying: ″ Peace be to this house.

13And if so be that house be worthie, your peace shal come upon it. But if it be not worthie: your peace shal returne to you. 14And whosoever shal not receave you, nor heare your wordes; going forth out of the house or the citie ″ shake of the dust from your feet. 15Amen I say to you, it shal be ″ more tolerable for the land of the Sodomites and Gomorrheans in the day of judgement, then for that citie.

The Ghospel upon the Commemoration of S. Paul, Jun 30.16Behold I send you as sheep in the middes of wolves. Be ye therfore [2] wise as Serpents, and simple as Doves. 17And take heed of men. For they wil deliver you up in Councels, and in their Synagogues they wil scourge you. 18And to Presidents and ″ to Kings shal you be led for my sake, in testimonie to them and the Gentiles. 19But when they shal deliver you up, Mr. 13, 11.
Luc. 12, 11.
* take no thought how or what to speake: for ″ it shal be given you in that houre what to speake. 20For it is not you that speake, but the Spirit of your Father that speaketh in you. 21 Luc. 21, 16.* The brother also shal deliver up the brother to death, and the Father the Sonne: and the children shal rise up against the parents, and shal worke their death, 22and you shal be odious to al men for my name: but he that shal persever unto the end, he shal be saved.

  1. They have here commission to preach only in Israel: the time being not yet come to cal the Gentiles.
  2. Wisedom and simplicitie both be necessarie in Preachers, Bishops, and Priests.