Page:The New Testament of Iesvs Christ faithfvlly translated into English, ovt of the authentical Latin, diligently conferred with the Greek, & other Editions in diuers languages.pdf/93

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The Ghospel

27. With usurie.) Usurie is here taken for the lawful gaine that a man getteth by wel employing his goods. When God giveth us any talent or talents, he looketh for usurie, that is, for spiritual increase of the same by our diligence and industrie.

We must use Gods guifts.29. That which he seemeth to haue.) He is said to have Gods guifts, that useth them, and to such an one God wil increase his guifts. He that useth them not, seemeth to have, rather then hath them, and from him God wil withdraw that which before he gave.

Good and bad in the Church.32. Separate.) Loe here is the separation; for in the Church militant they lived both togeather. As for Heretikes, they went out of the Church before, and separated them selves, and therfore are not to be separated here, as being judged already.

Heaven is the reward of good workes, and Hel of the contrarie.34. Come ye. 41. Get ye away.) It is no incongruitie that God should say: Goe into everlasting fire, to them that by their free wil have repelled his mercie; and to the other: Come ye Blessed of my Father, take the Kingdom prepared for you, that by their free wil have receaved faith, and confessed their sinnes, and done pennance. Aug. li. 2. act. cum Fel. Manich. c. 8.

35. You gave me.) Hereby we see how much almes-deedes and al works of mercy prevaile towards life everlasting, and to blot out former sinnes. Aug. in Ps. 49.

42. Gave me not.) He chargeth them not here that they beleeved not, but that they did not good works. For such did beleeve, but they cared not for good works, as though by dead faith they might have come to Heaven. Aug. de fid. & op. c. 15. & ad Dulcit. q. 2. 4.


To the Councel of the Jewes, Judas by occasion of Marie Magdalens ointment, doth sel him for litle. 17. After the Paschal lamb, 26. he giveth them that bread of life (promised Jo. 6.) in a mystical Sacrifice or Separation of his Body and Bloud. 31. And that night he is after his prayer 47. taken of the Jewes men, Judas being their Captaine: and forsaken of the other eleven for feare: 57. is falsely accused, and impiously condemned of the Jewes Councel, 67. and shamefully abused of them: 69. and thrise denied of Peter: Al, even as the Scriptures and himself had often foretold.

The Passion according to S. Matthew in these two Chapters, is the Ghospel at Masse upon Palme Sunday.Mr. 14, 1.
Luc. 22, 1.
AND it came to passe, when Jesus had ended al these wordes, he said to his Disciples: 2You know that after two dayes shal be Pasche, and the Sonne of man shal be delivered to be crucified. 3Then were gathered togeather the cheefe Priests and Ancients of the People into the court of the high Priest, who was called Caiphas: 4and they consulted how they might by some wile apprehend Jesus, and kil him. 5But they said: Not on the TENEBRAE-wenesday.festival day, lest perhaps there might be a tumult among the People.

6And Mr. 14, 3.* when Jesus was in Bethania in the house of Simon the Leper, 7 Io. 12, 3.* there came to him a woman having an alabaster-boxe of pretious ointment, and powred it out upon his head as he sate at the table. 8And the Disciples seeing it, had indignation saying: Whereto is ″ this waste? 9For this might have been sold for much, and given to the poore. 10And Jesus knowing it, said to them: Why doe you molest this woman? for she hath wrought a ″ good worke upon me. 11For the poore you have alwayes with you: but me ″ you have not alwayes. 12For she in powring this ointment upon my body hath done it to burie me. 13Amen I say to you, wheresoever this Ghospel shal be preached in the whole world, that also which she hath done,

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