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courses through all parts of the human body even to its remotest extremities. And as the whole body conspires in producing the slightest motion of any limb—a foot, an arm, a hand or a finger—so all hell conspires in the perpetration of every wicked deed—in every evil purpose, word, or work.

We see, then, that, according to the New doctrine, no single individual as chief of the fallen angels, is meant by these Scripture terms, but all evil spirits in the complex,—or some one of the infernal societies with whose every act and purpose the whole conspires. Devil is the term employed when hell is spoken of with more especial reference to the evil loves that reign there: and Satan, when it is spoken of with more especial reference to its false persuasions.

And because all hell is in a state of opposition to what is good and true, and perpetually conspires to destroy man spiritually, by the sphere of evil and falsity which continually issues from it as a poisonous exhalation, therefore we read that the Devil "was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own [i, e., according to his own nature]; for he is a liar and the father of it." Nothing but falsity is in agreement with evil. Therefore nothing but lies can come forth from the hearts of those who are essentially evil—supremely selfish—when they speak from their own nature.