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The BlbliQgraphy of Shorthand. By Dr Westbv-Gibson, Past- S resident of the Shorthand Society. 256 pages, double columns, demy vo. Price, cloth, 5s. Hints on Teaching and Lecturing on Phonography, with Notes on Shorthand Ancient and Modem, Music, the connection of Phonogra- phy with the Penny Post, etc. By Henry Pitman. Second edition, revised and enlarged. Price is. 6d. ; cloth, 2S. Prize EssajT on the best method of Teaching Pitman's Phonography. Fifth edition. Price 6d. Chart of the Phonetic Alphabet, containing the Shorthand and Printing Letters, 20 in. by 30 in. Price 2d. A Circular for Phonographic Teachers, for the purpose of raising Classes, with the first page partly blank, for insertion with the pen of Name and Address, and a statement of the advantages of Phonography on the other three pages. is. per 100, post-free, is. 3d. Ditto, printed with Name and Address, and terms for Private Tuition and Classes, on ist page. 100 for 3s., and 3d. postage; 250 for 4s. 6d.,and 6d. postage ; 500 for 7s. 6d., and is. postage. Bills or Fosters for similar purpose ; 20 in. by 25 in., printed in red, with large specimen of Phonography, and blank space for terms, etc. These bills can be filled in by a local printer, or can be printed at Bath. Blank — 50, is. 6d. ; post-free, 2s. 100, 2s. 6d. ; post-free, 3s. 3d. Printed — 50, 38. 6d. ; post-free, 4s. 100, 4s. 6d. ; post-free, 5s. 3d. Fosters recommending Phonography, 40 in. by 25 in., attractively printed in red and green, will be sent free on payment of postage, to teachers who will display them. 25, post-free, 6d. ; 50, post-free, is. Tracts (in the common spelling) explanatory and recommendatory of the principles and practice of Phonetic Shorthand. Single leaf, fcp. 8vo., IS. per gross ; 4 pages, 2s. per gross. PHONETIC BOOKS, &c. Sheet Lessons (16) for use in Classes, for Teaching Phonetic Reading, is. Tablets, or the Letters of the Phonetic Alphabet, printed on stiff card- board, to be used in teaching the Alphabet, and explaining it at Lectures : in two sizes— small, 3d. PITMAN'S PHONETIC READERS. " If a child of six years of age, and of average intelligence, receives a twelve months' course of phonetic instruction before being allowed to attempt the romanic orthography, and then an eighteen months' course of instruction in romanic reading and spelling ; at the end of that time, the child so taught will fead anything placed in its hands with ease and fluency, and sp«ll wfth greater accuracy than the majority of children who now leave school at the age of fifteen, after spending from six to eight years at school. If this plan were adopted, 95 per cent of the children would leave school thoroughly well educated in reading and spelling, besides having a fair knowledge of other subjects.*' First Book in Phonetic Reading, with " Directions to Teachers " how to use it, id. Printed in large type. * Second Book in Phonetic Reading, 2d. Large type and illustrated. Third Book in Phonetic Reading, 3d. Fourth Book in Phonetic Reading, 4d. Fifth or iransition Book, 3d. Testimonials Gratis and Post-free. The OtoSpel Epia A Harmony of tlfe Gospels, Versified. By Francis Barham and Isaac Pitman. Printed in Semiphonotypy. Cloth, Qd. Parables Miracles, and Discourses of our Lord and Saviour Jesus ^ Christ. Royal 32mo, 32 pages. Price id. each. See Isaac Pitman 6^• Sons^ Complete Catalogue, Gratis and Post- free, m