Page:The Newspaper and the Historian.djvu/172

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CHAPTER V NEWS-COLLECTING AND NEWS-DISTRIBUTING ORGANIZATIONS “ And I have hope to erect a Staple for News ere long, whither all shall be brought and thence again vented under the name Staple

news.” — Ben Jonson , Newsfrom the New World discovered in the Moon , 1621.

" An office, sir, a brave young office set up : . . . Newly erected Here in the house, almost on the same floor , Where all the news of all sorts shall be brought,

And there be examined, and then register' d , And so be issued under the seal of the office,

As Staple News; no other news be current.”

“ This is the outer room , where my clerks sit, And keep their sides, the register in themidst; The examiner, he sits private there, within ; And here I have my several rolls and files

Of news by the alphabet , and all put up

Under their heads."

“ But those too subdivided ? ” “ Into authentical, and apocryphal— " “ Whereto, beside the Coranti, and Gazetti ” “ I have the news of the season — " “ As vacation news, Term -news, and christmas-news."

“ And news of the faction .” “ As the reformed -news; Protestant-news; — " . “ And pontificial-news; of all which several, The day -books, characters , precedents are kept,

Together with the names of special friends — "

“ And men of correspondence in the country — " “ Yes, of all ranks, and all religions. " “ Factors and agents — "

“ Liegers, that lie out Through all the shires of the kingdom ." “ This is fine, And bears a brave relation ! ”

Ben Jonson , Staple of News,