Page:The Newspaper and the Historian.djvu/22

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Nicknames given to newspapers 50
Nicknames given by newspapers 50
Emblems used by the press 51
Headlines 51
Price 52
Sense of proportion 53
Changing standards of conventionality 53
Cartoons 54
Early discourtesy of the newspaper 54
The Covent-Garden Journal 54
Personal abuse common 55
Dickens on abuse in American papers 55
De Tocqueville on American journalists 55
Matthew Arnold on personality of American press 55
Walt Whitman on the press 56
Ill temper of newspapers 56
Provincial spirit 56
Independence of view 56
"Letters to the editor" 57
These characteristic of American and British press 58
"Answers to correspondents" 59
The Athenian Gazette 59
John Dunton and Defoe 59
Infallibility of the press 60
Omniscience of the press 60
"The Dogma of Journalistic Inerrancy" 60
"A saving sense of humor" 61
Charles Lamb and his "sixpenny jokes" 61
Professional humorists 61
"The colyum" 61
Personality seen in questions selected or omitted 62
Special editions 63
Differences in personality of metropolitan and of country press 63
Contrasts in personality of dailies, weeklies, and monthlies 63
Personality affected by personality of editor 64
But personality of paper independent of editor 64
Eccentric newspapers 65
Interest in such papers psychological rather than historical 65
Anonymity as an element in personality 65
Tendency towards signature 66
Signature favors pamphleteering 66
Explanation of change in tendency 66
Zola on signature 67
French law requiring signature 67
Effect of this in France 67