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THE ADVERTISEMENT “ Theman who first took advantage of the general curiosity thatwas excited by a siege or a battle , to betray to the Readers of News into the knowledge of the shop where the best Puffs and Powders were to

be sold , was undoubtedly a man of great sagacity, and profound skill in the nature of Man ." - Samuel Johnson .

“ In no manner can we so well obtain , at a rapid glance, a view of the salient points of generations that have passed as by consulting

those small voices that have cried from age to age from the pages of the press, declaring the wants, the losses, the amusements, the money

making eagerness of the people." -- Quarterly Review , 1885. “ Advertising is to business what steam is to machinery , the grand propelling power.” — Macaulay.

“ The newspaper is a microcosm of the national life. This is asmuch the case in regard to the advertisements as to the letter-press. A glance over the advertising columns of a largemorning paper shows reflected , as it were in a mirror, the whole of the active life of the people.” — W . Stead , Jr .

ADVERTISING has been called the process of purchasing public

ity and no phenomenon in the modern world has seemed so remarkable as hasits development." Yet in the beginning the ad 1 Material on the history of advertisingmay be found in Henry Sampson, History of Advertising, 1875; W . Stead, Jr., The Art of Advertising; J . B .

Williams, “ The History of Advertising to 1659," History of English Jour nalism , chap. IX; J. B . Williams, “ The Early History of London Advertis

ing,” Nineteenth Century and After, November, 1907, 62: 793-800; Mon taigne discusses the origin in Essays, Bk . IV , chap. 24; A . Hayward, “ The

Advertising System ,” Edinburgh Review , February, 1843, 77: 1-43; “ Ad vertisements,” Quarterly Review , June, 1855, 97: 183- 225; H . J. Palmer, “ The March of the Advertiser," Nineteenth Century , January, 1897, 41: J. B . Williams finds the first newsbook advertisement in Mercurius Britannicus's Coranto , February 1, 1625 – 26. - History of English Journalism , P . 160 . He also notes that two advertising offices were started in 1611 by

Sir Arthur Gorges and by Sir Walter Cope. - 16., pp . 158 - 159. J. Underhill considers that the first newspaper advertisement in England appeared in the Impartial Intelligencer in 1648. - Athenian Oracle, p . 251. An exhaustive bibliography of advertising, complete to date , has been

compiled under the direction of H . H . B . Meyer and is published in Special Libraries, April, 1916 , 7 : 61– 76 .