Page:The Newspaper and the Historian.djvu/400

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attendance , clubs and classes , to the general high standards of physical and intellectual conditions maintained .

The banking house and the insurance company make their appeal to authority and to precedent, to evidence of law and to court decisions, to guarantees of safety and security . They state

the points at issue in cases that have comebefore the courts and give the court decisions made, together with specific reference to volume and page where the decisions are recorded ; they appeal to age, to the high standing, and the distinction of their officers

during their long history . The advertising world is peopled with characters as wellknown as are those of the real world 9 and even the animals assume a

semblance of real life.10 But the development of advertising has reached far beyond the confines of business. While commercial advertising as yet takes

up the greatest space in the press, it is by no means the most important of all classes of advertising. Theadvertisement is used to solicit contributions to all charitable causes, and this in addi tion to the older and more familiar advertisements of balls,

bazaars, concerts, and other forms of entertainment for the benefit of specific causes. The numerous associations for the

relief of sufferers from fire, flood,earthquake, famine,disease ,and war reach the philanthropic through the advertisement. Relief during the recent war was sought through advertisements for the Armenians, Belgians, French , Germans, Greeks, Hungarians,

Irish , Italians, Persians, Poles, Roumanians, Russians, Serbians, Syrians, Ukrainians, and probably other nationalities ; for war

orphans, fatherless children ,widows, the wounded , the sick, men blinded in battle , and cripples ; for artists, musicians, university professors,and clergymen ; for Jews,Roman Catholics,and various other religious denominations, and for the United War Workers; for contributions ofmoney, food , clothing,books,periodicals , toys,

9 Sunny Jim , Phoebe Snow , and the nameless but equally well-known cream -of-wheat chef, Baker's chocolate lady , the Armour boy, Uneeda biscuit boy , Jello girl, Fairy Soap child , Gold Dust twins, Campbell kids, and a score of others are all familiar friends. 10 Victor dog , Bon Ami chicken , Horlick cow , Borden eagle , borax mules,

tobacco bull, dates of dromedary fame, are but suggestions of the wide use of animals in advertising .

The contributions of vegetable and plant life are much less numerous.