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cigarette .

its own advertisements gives the latest information in regard to fashions.62

The advertisement records the high price of living and also themeans used to combat it,63 and the sameantiphonal character

is seen in the advertisements for and against the use ofarticles of consumption .64 It is used to remind the public that it has a re sponsibility for the success of business enterprises it has wished to

see undertaken,65 and at times through the advertisement the

public is taken into the confidence of great corporations and given information , perhaps inadvertently , in regard to the specu lative character of business.66 The advertisement is extensively used to give informa

tion to the public that may or may not redound to the benefit of the advertiser. Financial advertisements give im easily

obtainable even by intelligent readers; 67 and they

67 “ The Mediaeval in Fashions Supersedes the Russian. Secure a FREE Copy of The New York Evening Post's Fall and Winter Fashion Guide,"

October 25, 1916 . 63 The general baking companies advertised that the continued high price of raw materials together with the increased cost of almost every item of expense connected with the manufacture of bread compelled them to read

just the prices of their products. — Answering advertisements came from gas companies " showing conclusively that by baking bread at home in a gas

range you can save one and eight-tenths cents a loaf over a baker 's loaf of the same weight.”

A great packing company advertised that “ In the face of the high cost

of living” it “ keeps faith with consumers.” — Daily press , November, 1916. 64 The advertisements of postum having apparently had an effect on

the sale of coffee, the coffee dealers replied by advertisements showing the beneficial effects of coffee .

66 The Black and White Cab Company advertises, “ The Black and White cab is purely an experiment. If the people of New York want it, it will stay and multiply . If they don't want it, it will be abandoned. It is entirely up to YOU . If you people of New York decide, after six months' trial, that the

Black and White cab fills 'the long- felt want and is your deliverer from

inefficient, unreliable and unsanitary taxi-cabs, you will say so with your patronage.” — Daily press, November 1 , 1916 .

  • 66 A New York firm advertised the profits to be made by the Union Bag

and Paper Company through the advantage it was able to take of the scarcity of paper. - New York daily press, October 19, 1916 .

67 The Columbia Trust Company published in 1916 and subsequently in the New York Times and the Evening Post a series of messages answering

everyday questions concerning a Trust Company's business. These number The Metropolitan Trust Company in 1916 showed through advertise

ments the difficulties that beset inexperienced executors and adminis