Page:The Newspaper and the Historian.djvu/551

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miums, - a thousand and one similar advertisements from Euro pean papers indicate the genuine misery and sorrow that follow in the wake of war. They are in striking contrast to the light heartedness of the advertisements in countries less immediately

concerned with the war where deftness of phrase may veil the

real meaning of war while using its language for commercial purposes.17 The press has everywhere been a potent witness to the trans formation wrought through war in industrial society. The mes

sages from the governors of twelve states calling on women to enter industrial and business service indicate a significant change from the somewhat recent time when the slogan was “ woman's place is home.” 18 Advertisements of fashionable hotels for waitresses to take the place of waiters whose services had been requisitioned by the government “ for essential industry ” have

given an insight into important changes in the industrial world .19 Not less significant are the changes in social conditions re

corded in the announcements of births, engagements, annulment

of engagements, marriages, and deaths. During the war it was noticeable that into the notices of engagements and marriages there was incorporated much information in regard to the military affiliations of the contracting parties . The army rank of one was given in detail and the Red Cross or training camp

activities of the other were mentioned ; the distinguished lineage of both parties was noticed; details given in regard to probable delay in the wedding, — “ Lieutenant X has been called to the

colors ;" the plans for the honeymoon and for future residence , as well as the occupation of the bridegroom , were stated , as was also the college of the young man , his college fraternities, his social clubs, and his business connections. Since the close of the

warmuch of this information in regard to ancestry , previous life, and future plans has been retained.20 17 " Present Arms! Our soft cuff shirts fit them all," " Health and Safety at Mountain Lakes,” “ Sever relations with inefficient accounting," — the list could be indefinitely extended .

18 New York Tribune, November 10 , 1918. 19 New York Times, October 29 , 1918.

20 Recent birth announcements have included much information in regard to the ancestry of the child and the distinguished public services these ancestors rendered .