Page:The Newspaper and the Historian.djvu/572

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JACKSON , T. J. ("Stonewall") 1824 1863 soldier
JAMES, Henry 1843 1916 novelist
JAY, John 1745 1829 statesman
JEBB, Sir R. C. 1841 1905 scholar
JEFFREY, Francis, Lord 1773 1850 critic, editor, and judge
JELLALCHICH, Josef, Count 1801 1859 statesman
JENNINGS, L . J. 1836 1893 special correspondent and


JERDAN , William 1782 1869 editor
JERROLD, Blanchard 1826 1884 author, editor
JERROLD , Douglas 1803 1857 author and editor
JERROLD , WALTER 1863 editor and author
JEWSBURY, Maria Jane 1800 1833 author
JOHNSON, R. B. 1867 author
JOHNSON , Samuel 1709 1784 lexicographer
JONES, Henry Arthur 1851 dramatist
JONES, John Paul 1747 1792 naval officer
JONSON, Ben 1573? 1637 dramatist and poet
JOWETT, Benjamin 1817 1893 scholar
JUNIUS, pseudonym , see Francis, Sir Philip
KATKOFF, M . N. 1818 1887 editor
KENNAN, George 1845 special correspondent, author
KENYON, Lloyd, first Baron 1732 1802 Lord Chief Justice
KERLIN, R. T. 1866 educator, author
KILMER, Joyce 1886 1918 poet
KING, Rufus 1755 1827 political leader
KINGLAKE, A. W. 1809 1891 historian
KINNEAR, A . 1841 1912 war correspondent
KIPLING , Rudyard 1865 author
KLAW , Marc 1858 theatrical manager
KLOPSCH , Louis 1852 1910 “ knight of mercy "
KNIGHT, C. 1791 1853 editor and publisher
KNIGHT, Joseph 1829 1907 dramatic critic
KNIGHT, W. A. 1836 1916 university professor
KOSSUTH, Louis 1802 1894 patriot
LABOUCHERE , Henry 1831 1912 politician and journalist
LAMONT, Hammond 1863 1909 editor
LA FOLLETTE , R . M . 1859 editor, senator
LAMB, Charles 1775 1834 essayist
LAMARTINE , A . M . de 1790 1869 poet, author
LANDIS , K . M . 1866 Judge