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�INDEX Bullen , Percy S.,on Institute of Journalists, 454 n .

Bulletin board, 8 ; used by daily in Spanish-American War, 219 n . Bülow , Prince von , 237 n .; written interviews by, 240 .

Bulwer , Edward . See Lytton , Edward Bulwer .

Canada, press and government of, 89, 135 ; complaints of " padding ” war news in , 210 n .; prohibition adver tisements in , 484. Canadian Press Association , 454 n . Canning, George, Jerdan and, 88 , 260 . Canning, Sir Stratford, 189. Cannon Ball, 48 .

Bunce, J. T ., on church and press, 93–

Cape Fear Mercury, forged facsimile of, 416 .

94 .

Bunker Hill, handbill sent to British

Cape Times, The, article by Garrett in , 73 n .; editor of, 189.

troops on , 341 n .

Bunner, H . C ., on French, English , American , and German


381 - 382. Buoy , 47.

Burchard, Samuel D ., Blaine and , 387 n .

Bureaus, special, in newspaper, 11, 100, 101, 359 n ., 452 n .

Burgess, Gelett, article by, cited , 24 n . Burke, Edmund , pamphlets of, 107.

Burleigh , Lord , I. Disraeli on, 414 n .

“ Cardelius,” 144. Caricatures, bibliography of, 384 n., 385 n .; personal, 384- 385, 387 n.; Tribune on , 385 ; Ward on , 385 n .; historian and , 385, 386 – 387, 388, 401; political, 386 , 387, 397 n .; in XVIII and XIX centuries, 387; Maurice and Cooper on , 387 n .; Addison on , 388 n .; first use of word , 388 n .; compared with cartoons, 389; Sizeranne on ,

Burnand, Sir Francis C ., 256 ; work by,

389 n .; Spielmann on, 389 n .; N . Y .

cited , 388 n .; joint author,articles by,

Evening Post on , 389 n ., 397 n ., 399 n .; Gaultier on object of, 397; classed with editorials, 397. See also Car toons; Illustrations. Caricaturist, Furniss's Confessions of, cited , 19 n ., 388 n . Carlile , Richard , 49. Carlyle , Thomas, work by, cited , 88 n .; on the editor, 253 – 254 ; on E . Sterling, 254; on Jeffrey, 279; Jeffrey on , 279; on critic's aim , 288; on Goethe, 288 ; his work on Cromwell, 415. Carriers , 42. See also Newsboys . Carson , W . E ., work by, cited , 12 n .,

cited , 472 n .

Burne-Jones , 386 n . Burney collection , corantos in , 115 n . Burnside, A . E ., Sherman states press killed , 203. Burr, F . A ., article by, cited , 233 n . Burroughs, William , started trade journalism in America, 18 n. Busch , M ., on Bismarck , 381 n . Bussey, H . F ., illustrations of journal ist's tricks by, 148; anecdote de scribed by, 321; work by, cited , 471n . Bute, Lord , 408 . . 16 n . Butler, General B . F ., 419. Butler, Sir William F ., on correspond Cartoons, 61, 388 - 390 ; may supply lack ents in South Africa, 188– 189. of telegraphic news, 54 ; as a cause for Bynner, Witter, hoax by, 313 n . libel, 124 ; Escott on , 381; N . Y . Evening Post on , 381, 389 n ., 390, Byron, Lord, poem by, cited , 71 n .; on Keats ' death , 298 n . 396 - 397 ; Bunner on French , English , Bystander, 48 ; objectionable cartoon in , American , and German , 381 - 382; compared with caricatures, 389; 405 n . Spielmann on , 389 n .; historian and , 390 , 405, 471; political, 404, 406 n ., Cablegram , 48. “ Caddies,” distributers of news in 471- 472; daily , 406 ; in Germany, Scotland , 6 – 7 . 471 - 472; freedom of expression in , Caesar, Julius, on dissemination of news 471 -472; of social unrest, 474. See in Gaul, 3 ; first modern war cor also Caricatures ; Illustrations. Cartoons Magazine, on Gillray , 408 . respondent, 195. California , immigration to , 343 n . Caruso , Enrico, caricatures of, 386 n . Californie Agricole, La, 49 n . Case and Comment, 48. Casoni, director of Osservatore Romano , Call, 48. 130 n . Callender, Thomas, 426 . Cambrai, battle of, 274 n . Cassagnac, Paul de, 284 . Campbell, D ., work by , cited , 463 n . Catholic press, Lord Acton and, 19, 20 ; Campbell, John , news-letters written by , the Rambler , 19 , 19 n .; article on , 6 n.

Campbell, Theophila Carlile, work by, cited , 49 n ., 256 n .

cited , 19 n . See also Religious press;

Vatican .