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�INDEX 363, 373 n . See also Audit bureau of circulations; Newspaper as a business enterprise . Citizen , 47 : Citizens' Committee, 344 . Citoyen français, 49 n . Civil War, American , broadsides during, 7; war correspondents in , 202– 203, 224 n ., 228 ; newspaper expenses in ,


Delane and, 257;

Collegiate Alumnae, Association of, forehanded report of anniversary meeting of, 150.

Collier 's Weekly, editorial on “ A . P . ” in , cited , 123 n . ; Stone's letter to, 123 n .; resignation of editor of, 362 n .; forged facsimile in , 416 n . Collins, J. C ., on literary critics, 311, 318 ; on himself as reviewer, 312 ;


opinion of, 257– 258, 330 n .; Punch in ,

Cologne Gazette, seized by Government, 352 n .

397 n ., 472.

Clandestine press, treatment of, in France, 4 - 5; Hatin on, 5 , 5 n . Clapp , Henry Austin , on dramatic critic , 324 ; on the drama , 325. Clarendon , Lord , on The Times, 270 n . Clarion , The, 366 .

Clark, Champ, 148.

Clark , E . P ., editorial work of, 254. Cleaveland , Moses , city

named in

Colored supplement. See Supplement, comic . “ Columbia , " symbol, 401. Columbia Trust Co., advertisements of, 358 n . Columbia University, school of journal ism at. · See Pulitzer School of Journalism .

Columbus, Christopher , 342.

honor of, 109. Clemenceau , G . E . B . 49.

“ Colyum ,” 10 , 61–62; bibliography of,

Cleveland , Grover, contemporary ac count of, 330 n .; Independents supported , 391 n .; cartoons of, 392, 408 ; letter forged under name of, 418 ; Venezuela boundary and, 427 n . Cleveland , Ohio , named in honor of Moses Cleaveland , 109 .

Comet, 47.

Climax , 48 .

Clippings, from exchanges , II; col lections of, 120 n ., 452. See also “ Morgue .”

Cloak, Suit and Skirt Manufacturers' Protective Assn ., 344 . Clyde Steamship Co., 357 n . Coast Watch , 47. Coatsworth , E ., 475 n .

Cobbe , Francis Power, on book re viewing, 302 n . Cobbett, William , Stephen on, 285; on questionable advertisements , 369. Cobden , Richard, concerned over con nection of government and press , 88 ; Delane and , 258.

Coburn , Henry , on the Literary Gazette, 292.

Coburn , J. C ., 477 n .

61 n .

Comic supplement. See Supplement, comic .

Comines, Philippe de, quoted , 195 . Commander, L . K ., article by, cited , 31 n .

Committee on Public Information, 443 n . Commons, House of, resolution of, concerning published reports of pro ceedings, 161.

Commonwealth , 47. Commonwealth Mercury, The, forged newspaper, 415-416 . Comoundouros, Stillman on , 213 n . Complans, Marcel, letter to, cited , 51 n . Condé, Prince of, on the gazetiers à la main , 5. Confederate newspapers, 112. Congdon , Charles T., work by, cited , 228 n .; his editorials republished , 273; on dramatic criticism , 319 n ., 325 n .; on press its own critic, 440 . Congregationalist, The, 91 n .

Congress, reporters in . See Reporters, official.

Coe, George A ., article by, cited, 238 n .

Congressional Record , 176 ; contrasted with Hansard , 177 ; " Speechless Speeches " in , 465.

Coffee-house, influence of, in England

Connelley, W . E ., work by, cited , 49 n .

5 -6 ;Mr. Smith 's 59. Colchester, Lord, cited , 154 n .

Connoisseur, The, quoted, 468.

Coleridge, Samuel T., Jeffrey and, 298 n .

College journalism , 24 ; bibliography of, 24 n .; at Harvard and Princeton , 50 ; editorials of, republished , 274 n .

See also Amateur journalism ; Asso -

ciated College Newspaper Publishers. College news, II.

“ Conning Tower, The, ” 62 n .

Constitution , 47. Constitutionnel, 381 n . Contemporary Review , anonymous arti cle in , cited , 170 n .; quoted , 173. Continental Congress, bounty offered

by, 341 n .

Cook, E . C ., work by, cited , 104 n