Page:The Newspaper and the Historian.djvu/601

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Archer on , 323; Morley on , 323; Daily Herald , London , forged news

Clapp on , 324; Matthews on , 324 ; uncertain theories of, 324 - 326 ; in America, 326 ; MacCracken on , 326 –

Daily Indiana State Sentinel, illustrated advertisements in , 403 n .

327 ; Lewes on , 327; Hamilton on ,

Daily Journal, Madison , Wis., ready

328; Shaw 's opinion of shortcomings of, 328. literary, press helps to reconstruct contemporaneous, 107; historian and , 287, 289 – 290 , 293, 294, 297, 300, 303- 304, 305, 318 ; changing stand ards of, 287– 290 ; Babbitt on , 288 ; Arnold's theory of, 288 ; first English periodicals of, 290 – 291; Scotton English , 292; abuse in , 292– 293, 294 -299, 315, 316 ; in France, 292 n ., 297; in Holland, 292 n .; in Amer ica, 296 – 297, 298 n .; development of, 304 ; Saintsbury on , 305, 307 n .; O 'Shea on , 305; difference between book review and , 306 . See also Book

print supplied by, 134 n . . Daily Mail, London , net daily sale of,

review .

musical, 11, 328– 329 . Croal, D ., on newspaper men , 154 . Croker, John Wilson, Walter 's letter to, 136 ; Wellington 's letter to , quoted ,

paper reproduced in , 417 n .

10 n .; McKenzie 's work on , cited , 10 n .; woman 's page of, 11 n .; outside activities of, 12; Brooks on , 13 ; " inevitable ,” 34 ; mottoes of, 46 n .; bill proposed by writer on , 227; inter view attributed to Northcliffe by, 237 n . , article from , reprinted in No tion , 277 n .

Daily News, Chicago, editorial in, ad vertised , 360 n . Daily News, London , 211 n .; weather chart begun by, il n .; Jubilee of, cited , 183 n .; war correspondence of, cited , 204 n ., 215 n ., 219 n ., 276 ; famous article in , 214 n .; correspond ents of, in Russo - Turkish War, 215 n . ;

war correspondence of, published , 219 n .; Yates dramatic critic of, 325 n .; Cowen 's speech advertised in , 360 n .;

200 ; Macaulay and, 296 ; as a re

Diary of Parnell Commission revised

viewer, 299 ; Martineau on , 302 n .,

from , 417 n .; Labouchere's letters

316 .

to , 441 n .

Croker, Richard , biography of, cited , 105 n .; cartoons of, 404 n .

Daily News, Santa Barbara, emblem of, 51.

Cromwell, Oliver, 54 ; funeral of, 415;

Daily Princetonian, nickname of, 50 .

Carlyle 's work on, 415 ; periodicals suppressed by, 416 . Crown Prince , caricatures of, 398 n ., 399. Crusader , 48. Crusaders, their letters a form of war correspondence, 195.

Daily Telegraph, sends out Assyrian ex pedition , 13 ; nickname of, 50 ; letters to editor of, 58 ; against prohibition of war correspondents , quoted , 205 n .; Kaiser's interview in , 236 . Daily Times, Brooklyn , guarantee of, quoted , 76 n . Dairymen ' s League, 345.

Crystal Palace , 13.

Cumberland , Richard , London Review and , 315 .

Cunliffe, J. W . & Lomer,G . R ., work by,

Dallas Morning News, The, editorials in , 92 n .

cited , 445 n . Curtis, George William , 103; work edited by , cited , 258 n .; own editorials collected by, 274 n .; differed with

Dalziel, The Brothers, work by, cited ,

Nast, 380 n . ; Potiphar Papers, 381.

Danby, Earl of, his attempt to suppress

Curtis Publishing Co., advertisements refused by , 371 n .

Cutler, Manasseh , letter of, 393 n .

390 n .

Dana, Charles A ., 250, 251; work by , cited , 460 n . coffee-houses, 5 . Daniels, J ., quoted , 373 n . Darling . See “ Ding."

Dasent, A . I., his biography of Delane, Daily Advertiser, Boston , purchased by

Hale, 250 ; newspaper files owned by, 274 - 275 .

Daily Chronicle, 293. Daily Citizen , Vicksburg , 421 n . Daily Eagle, Brooklyn , 265, 307 n . Daily Express, list of war correspond ents in , 213 n . Daily Freeman , Kingston , N . Y ., 421 n . Daily Graphic, 311 n . ; illustration in , 391 n .

cited , 23 n ., 201 n ., 280 n ., 453 n .; on Delane , 257, 280. Davanzati Palace , 357.

Davies , T . R ., work by, cited , 107 n . Davis, Elmer, work by, cited , 10 n . Davis, Richard Harding, his description of war correspondent's kit, 200 n . ; on Captain G , Fortescue, 206 n . Dawes, Henry M ., 270 . Dawson , W . H ., work by , cited , 237 n .; on German editors , 268 .