Page:The Newspaper and the Historian.djvu/605

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�INDEX Filon , Augustin , on W . T. Arnold , 330331; on Hogarth , 388 n .; on political

Forlorn Hope, prison paper, 26 , 49; files of, 26 n .

Forney, J. W ., letters from

caricatures, 397 n .

Financial reports , 11, 359 n .; compared

to literary page, Perry's opinion, 317 . Firmilian , 313 n .


cited , 190 n .

Forrest, W ., article by, cited , 191 n .

Fiske, Willard, editorials and notes of,

Forrestal, J. V . & Bruce, James , eds., work by, cited , 24 n ., 274 n .

286 ; course in journalism by, 457.

Forster, John, Life of Dickens, cited , 141 n .; Life of Landor , reviewed by

Fitzpatrick , E . A ., on the reporter, 153. Fiume, photographs in , 395 n .

Flag, 48.

Mrs. Linton, 312 n .

Forster, W . E ., first Englishman inter

Fleet Street, 440; Leach's history of

viewed , 246.

cited , 11 n .; Bohemian Days in , cited , 23 n ., 285 n ., 400 n .; Watts' papers

Fortescue, Captain Granville, arrest scored by, 206 n .

printed in , 117 ; Simonis' book on,

Fortnightly Review , Morley's Valedictory

cited , 118

n .; Thomas' book

on ,

in , 70 ; article on German government

cited, 118 n .; Chesterton on journal ists of, 154; Gibbs' book on, cited , 155 n .;Maxwell on , in Boer War, 225 . Fleming, W . L ., work by, cited , 380 n .

in , cited , 185 n .; article on press in war time in , cited , 227 n .

Forward , 48.

Foster, Ernest, work by, cited , 234 n .,

Fliegende Blätter , 382, 409. Florida, immigration to, 343 n .

Fowler, J., letters on Suez Canalby, 407.

Fog , Defoe and , 263.

Fox, Charles James, on parliamentary

Follia di New York, La , 386 n .

246 n .

publicity , 174 .

Fonblanque, Albany, on slander in press,

Fox, Frank , on war correspondent, 212 n .

55 ; collected articles of, praised , 106 ;

Foxcroft, Frank , article by, cited, 27 n .

Macaulay on articles of, 106 - 107;

“ F . P . A .,” 62 n . France, origins of newspaper in , 3 -5 , 6

quoted , 447 .

Fonblanque, E . B . de, ed ., work by, cited , 55 n .

10 ; bibliography of periodical press in , cited , 8 n . ; Hatin 's history of press

Foote, Samuel, dinner of, 163; on news,

in , cited, 8 n .; criticism as controlling

439. Forain , J. L ., cartoons of, 389 n. Forbes, Archibald , 207 n .; works by , cited, 202 n ., 211 n ., 213 n .; bas-relief of, 213 n .; on war correspondence and

interest of press in , 33 ; power of news papers in , 37 n .; censorship in , 49; names of newspapers in , 49 n .; book

censorship , 213 n ., 214 n . ; famous article credited to , 214 n . ; Melgund on Plevna telegram of, 215 n .; on

88 n .; signature in , 66 , 67 -68 , 71, 72;

on censorship in , cited , 49 n .; Journal, favorite newspaper name in , 50 ; articles on newspapers of , cited , 64 n .,

freedom of press in , 67 -68, 192 n .;

despatching war news, 215 n ., 218 n .; letters of, 215 n .; Thomas on , 218 n . ;

Macintyre on press in , 71 ; Trollope

McCullagh on , 219 n .; article by,

government of, 87 -88; church and

cited, 222 n .; on ideal war corre spondent, 231- 232. Ford , Henry, interview attributed to ,

press in , 95 ; smuggling of journals

238 n .; Wilson supported by, 348 n . Ford , P . L ., works by, cited , 422 n ., 426 n .

from , 136 ; official reporting used in , 175 ; newspaper correspondent ex pelled from , 186 ; Child on news in during Second Empire, 187 ; hostile

to war correspondents in 1870 , 204 n .;

Ford , W . C ., on newspaper and litera

ture , 106 ; on importance of quality of paper in

on periodical press in , 72; press and

newspapers , III, III n . ;

forgery exposed by, 416 n . Foreign correspondent. See Special cor respondent . “ Foreign -language press , 12, 26 ; bibliography of, 26 n . ; editors of, sign adver

tisements , 350 n .; limitations in , 457. Forestry and Irrigation, 48 . Forgery , of entire newspapers , 412- 417; of letters in press , 417 -418; of a

proclamation , 418 -419 ; of reprints , 419- 421. See also Hoax.


correspondents barred

from ,

204 ; editors in , 268 ; editorials in , 270 n .; literary criticism in , 292 n ., 297 ; relief of, 338 , 339 ; cartoons in ,

381, 382; war photographs in , 396 n .; courses in journalism in , 458, 459. France, Anatole , quoted , 287. Francis, J. C ., life of John Francis, cited , 11 n ., 13 n ., 15 n ., 307 n ., 308 n ., 313 n ., 370 n ., 440 n . ; Notes by the Way, 15 n ., 29 n ., 207 n ., 307 n ., 308 n ., 321 n .; anecdote cited by, 15 n .; on Buckingham , 21 n .; on The

Globe, 22 n .; list of war correspond

ents by, 213 n .; on Baron