Page:The Newspaper and the Historian.djvu/616

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“ Marse Henry ," cited , 22 n . See also Watterson , Henry . Marshall, T . W ., work by, cited, 94 n.

Mercurius Gallobelgicus, 27, 196 n . Mercurius Politicus, editorial " we"

Martin , E . S ., work by, cited , 274 n .

Mercury, 47; favorite newspaper name

Martineau , Harriet, on the Edinburgh Review , 294– 295; essay on Croker , cited, 299 n .; on Landor and Quarterly , 300 n .; on Croker, 302 n ., 316 ; on book reviews, 314 n . Mason , Gregory , articles by, cited , 124 n ., 214 n .

Massachusetts, broadsides in , 7 ; distribution ofnewspapers in early , 16 n .

Massachusetts Centinel, quoted , 429.

first used in , 276 . in England , 50. Mercury, Leeds, Reid reporter for, 168 . Merger, the, not a new tendency, 22 , 22 n .; examples of, 25 n . Mérimée, Prosper, Sainte-Beuve com pared with , 297 n . Merriam , George S ., review of his

biography of Bowles, cited , 32 n., 57 n . Messenger, 48 .

Massingham , H . W ., work by, cited ,

Meteor , 47 .

64 n .; on the editor, 259 n . Mathews, Charles J ., his letter to Morning Post, 319; Catling on, 321 n .

Methodist , The, 91 n . Métra , famous nouvelliste, 4 n . Metropolitan Trust Co., N . Y ., ad vertisements of, 83, 358 n .

Matthews, A ., work by , cited , 49 n .

anonymity , 316; on dramatic criti

Metternich , military press and , 25. Mexican War, war correspondence in , 197 n .

cism , 324 .

Meyer, H . H . B ., bibliography com

Matthews, Brander, work by, cited , 106 n .; on Gillam , 267 –268 ; on

Maude, F . N .,on press in war time, 444. Maupassant, Guy de, 301 n . Maurice , A . A . & Cooper, F . T ., on caricatures , 387 n .; work by, cited , 387 n ., 392 n .

piled by, 332 n .

Mez, John , article by , cited, 22 n . Miall, Arthur, work by, cited , 94 n . Miall, Edward ,biography of, cited , 94 n . Mikado , silver bowl presented by, 149.

Maurice, Frederick , work by, cited,

“ Mikes,” 50.

19 n ., 20 n ., 307 n . Maurice, Frederick Denison , Church of England did not support, 19 ; “ Letters to a Quaker,” 19; biography of, cited, 19 n .; religious press and, 20; on book reviewers, 307 n . Maverick, A ., on Lee's plan to train journalists, 458. Maxse, Admiral F . A ., articles by, cited , 201 n .; on Kinglake, 293 n . Maxwell, H ., works by, cited , 16 n., 27 n ., 136 n ., 313n . Maxwell, William , article by, cited , 212 n ., 221 n .; on Fleet Street in

Military press . See Army journalism . Mill, John Stuart , on London Times ,

Meister, A ., work by, cited, 130 n. Melbourne, Viscount, Brougham criti-

Miller, C . G ., work by, cited , 185 n . Miller, Hugh , quoted , 249.

Milnes, Richard Monckton . See Hough ton , Lord . Milton , John, as a journalist, article on , cited , 277 n .

Minimum wage, for journalists, 97 . Minute Man , 48. Mirror, 48. Mist' s Journal, 249.

Mitchell , Maria , 145. Moltke, von , 221.

Mommsen , Theodore, quoted , xxxvii; on Cicero as journalist, 2 -3 .

Moniteur, imitated by Figaro , 415 . Monitor , 48 .

Monroe Doctrine, J. Q . Adams and,

cized ministry of, 283.

Melgund , Viscount, article by , cited , 210 n ., 222 n ., 229 n .; on Forbes'

423 n .

Montagu, Basil, his edition of works of Bacon , 299.

Plevna telegram , 215 n.

Melville , Lewis , work by, cited , 369 n . " Memory " Woodfall, parliamentary reporter, 168, 169 n .; Taylor on , 168- 169; Macdonagh on , 168 n .

Mercurius Civicus, 376 n .

223 n .

Mist, N ., Defoe and, 263, 268 –269.

Boer War, 225.

May, T . E ., quoted, 158. Mayhew , Athol, work by, cited , 386 n . Mechlenburg Declaration of Indepen dence, forgery of, 416 . Medill, Joseph , tariff editorials, 21.

Mephistopheles , Kaiser as, 409 Mercurius Britannicus, 332 n .

258 .

Millard , T . F ., article by, cited , 222 n .,


Montague, C . E . & Ward , Mrs . Hum phrey , work by, cited, 105 n ., 210 n ., 331 n .

Montaigne, essays of, cited , 332 n . Montefiore Home for Aged and Infirm Hebrews, 339 n . Montesquieu , on the nouvelliste , 4