Page:The Newspaper and the Historian.djvu/628

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Addison , Steele, Swift, Cobbett, and Hunt, 285 ; on his brother making " mince-meat of Macaulay's most famous essay, ” 299 n . Stephens, Winifred , work by, cited, 26 n ., 285 n .

Sterling, Edward , 50 ; Peel's letter to , quoted , 88 ; Carlyle on , 254.

Sterling, John, Carlyle's biography of, cited , 88 n ., 254 n . Stevenson , R . L ., 301 n . Stewart, General, at Khartoum , 393. Stillman , W . J ., on Comoundouros, 213 n .

Stimson , M . S ., article by, cited , 24 n . Stinnes, Hugo , article on , cited , 22 n . Stock market. See Market reports . Stockum , W . P . Van , Jr., ed., work by, cited , 115 n .

Stocqueler, J. H ., on Wellington, 198 n . ; work by, cited , 426 n .

Stoddart, A . McD ., article by, cited , 62 n .

Stokes, H . P., article by, cited , 192 n . Stokes, I. N . P ., work by, cited , 26 n ., 49 n . Stone, Lucy , The Woman 's Journal under, 25 n .

Stone, M . E ., articles by, cited , 119 n ., 120 n.; works on , cited , 120 n .; letters of, 123 n ., 124 n . Stopford, Francis, on Raemaekers' cartoons, 398 n . Store paper , 18 n .

Strachey, J. St. L ., article by, cited, 103 n .

Straight, Willard D ., letter of, cited, 266 n .

Street, Julian, on origin of humorous

Sun , N . Y ., 47, 251; on control of Berlin newspapers, 22 n .; emblem of, 51; sense of proportion of, 53 n .; news service of, 80; Printing and Publishing Assn., 121; editorials of, republished , 274 n .; reproduced , 420 n .; moon hoax in , 422- 423. Sunbeam , 47. Sunday Mercury, N . Y ., sermons pub lished in , 92 n .

Sunday newspaper, " a literary dime museum ,” 27; article on , cited, 27 n .; church has opposed , 92– 93; in England , 94. Supplement, automobile, 11; building, 11; comic , 11, 62, 92– 93; 410 n .; foreign trade, I1 ; illustrated , II; oil, 11; real estate, 11. Supreme Court, U . Š ., decision in favor of Associated Press , 131. Surf, Santa Cruz, 47 ; emblem of, 51. Survey, 48; cited , 101 n ., 474 n . Sweden , press bureau of, 133, 133 n ; woman suffrage in , 435 - 436 . Swedish Intelligencer , war correspond ence of, 196 n .

Swedish Telegram Bureau, pro -German activities of, 133 Swem , E . G ., ed ., work by, cited , 49 n . Swift , Jonathan, on anonymity , 66 ; Stephen on , 285. Sykes, J. A . C ., ed ., work by, cited , 434 n . Sykes, Sir Mark , work by, cited , 395 n . Symon , J. D ., cited , 118 n .; anecdote given by, 172 n .; on Hansard , 179 . Syndicated articles, 11, 28 , 28 n., 208 n . Syracuse Journal, first to establish local column, ii n .; Fiske's editorials in , collected , 286 .

Syria , relief of, 338.

column, 61 n .

Strong, G . S ., on Syracuse Journal, 11 n . Strunsky, S., on war correspondents, 216 n .; article by, cited , 220 n . Stuart, Dan , 61. Stubbs, William , xxxvii. Stuermer, Dr. Harry, his experience with Berlin censor, 211 n . Subscribers , relations with newspapers, 42- 43; rates to, 80, 102. Subsidized press . See Newspaper, endowed . Success, 48 , 372 n . Sudan . See Soudan . Suez Canal, Palmerston and , 407.

Sulzer, Governor, varying accounts of address by, 156. Summit, 48. Sumner, E . V ., Sherman states press killed , 203.

Sun, London , gold letters used in , 65 n .; literary review of, 293.

Tabriz , Persia , newspaper files destroyed at, 112 n .

Taft, William H ., fake photographs of, 394 n .; forged letter concerning, 418. Taine, H . A ., book by , reviewed , 303 n . Talmage, T . DeW ., sermons of, syn dicated , 28 n .; sermons in press, 92 n . Tappan , Arthur, Journal of Commerce started by, 370 . Tappan , Lewis, as editor of Journal of Commerce, 370 . Tariff Reform League of London , 350 n . Tassin , A ., work by , cited , 370 n . Tatler, collection of mottoes of, 46 n . Tavernier, M . E ., lectures by, 459 n . Taxes, English press and, 33. Taylor, Bayard , review of his transla tion of Faust, suppressed , 309 n .

Taylor, John, on Memory Woodfall, 168 – 169.

Taylor, Tom , poem on Lincoln , 397 n .