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ne The new lydings out of Italie aree nc

Out of Ceulin , the21. Novemb.

get com . Writing from Marpurg in Hellen , that the Earle of the ſameLand, doth cauſe the foreſaid Out of Weenen,she oNovember, Ciccie to be ſtrongly forritied , there on doc He French Ainballadour hath cauſed the vvorke many 100 men dayly , and there ismu. | Earle of Dampier to be buried lately at! ſtered in the Earlethip Zigenheym nor long Prelburg In the meane vvhile hach Bethlem 1 lince i .Governement of fooie-mes , & 6 .Cor ners of horſe -men , the footc - iten are ſent to Gabor ciced all theHungeriſh Suares , to com ':Marpurg & Rijnfels. But the horſe -men are lod , cogether at Preſburg the s . of this preſent , to! ged in the Villages about the Circie , & there . secas are alſo multered the Duke of Saxen Lau . diicourſe aboute che Crovvning & ocher cauſes*! after concerning the laine Kingdom . The Hungarians

continue wich

roveine wenburgs Governement in Tries-Zigenheym ,

againſt chele Lands. In like manner chule oi; now further where they ſhallbe laid & uſed , 19 Moravia , which are fallen uppon the Colackes yet unknovvn .

The fames Brothers Governe

yefter aight by Hoteyn , fer them ou fire , and Nainc many dead , the reſt vvill revcoge che farge. Heere is certaine nerves com , charche Cra:

ment,chere quarter is laid by Callel, the Soul. diers which are caken on abour Hainburg. Lu . beck,in the Dukel hip of Holſteen , & Mecke: lenburg.Thould alſo be muſtered above Carel . bars , as alſo che Lord Budean , are fallen unto & be uſed vvhere neede l'hall require . Since the laſt vve cannot enquire, that there Beckem Gabor ſends che Earlelor Altheim as is any The Einperuur thing ofany iinportaunce palled bervvixe opere che Marquis Spinola & the Voiced Princes .We Ainballadour co Crackovu in Polea , co appeare che | underſtand that the foreſaid Spinola vvil layhis epon che famemeecing day . Novv coines cidines,char Berlein Gabor is at Souldiers in Garnilloo wich the hrſt ,

& deale

Thurna, chere doc gather to gecher great ſtore of thein unto diversplaces.on part to Oppenheym , Alzey, Ingelheyin & Cruisſnach ,the other part Sures The Emper . Maj. bach appoynced heere a ) at Summeren & Bacharacht , che speech gocth meeting day pop the 1 . ofDecemb. thereupon

that there i balbe lay cd vvith in Ments

a good

ſhould apesare che 4 . Proclaimed States. The Company in Garniiton . sppoynted caxing ſhall bring up a great fom of The Biſhop ac Halberſtade, Duke Chriſtiace at Bruynſvvyck,doth cauſe tobe taken on 2000 money . Muſquercers,to ſend to the Vnited Princes. Here is cydings , that bervveen theKing of One of Prage , she s of November. Bohemia & the Emperours folke hath beene a Three dayes agone are paſſed by, 2 .mile from great Barcelabout Prage , but becauſe there is chis Citric 6000.Hungarian's Cíhoien our Sol. different veriting & Speaking there uppon . ro are ca cannot for this time any certainery chereot be dicis ) under the GeneralRcdiferens,which which are mult vvayte for the next Polt. As gon to our Head -camp. & the Enimie ljeth yer vvritten ,but Citrie alſo of the Pillen , which the Earle of dear unto ours by Rackonits , though the crie Manfvelt goech ) ſhonld have de . ſpeech (ſo che gyeth,thar the eniinie cauſed all his mighe co Emperourshands. ivered into l the B con com this vvayes againn Prage, it that comes to palle, it Thall not run of vith From Cadan in Bohemia , 4.mile from ourblowves,the ülich might be revealed with Raconies,the 12. November. jo fevy dayes. le coutinues , thac in the Sarrer Crais are ga. thered cogither 10000 Contrie -men ,moſthigh From Soles is certainc adviſe that che Em : durch -men againstMeillen , & no Bohemians , perours folk have made them ſelves with all they vvill help the drive che enimic our incire raightout of theire Camp, & caken their of the Land In like manner lom certaine rooo vyay to wards Praghe, like asthey vveare chen Contrie -inen rebel in the LenemariefcherCrais, coin to the longmile , but as the King under. bus it is ſcared that thoſe Countrie -men are land luch , he is broken up vvith his armey ,and ſtarred up , through practiſe of the Adverfarie , com to the log mile beforen che enimie , where chear the enimie in che meane vvhile mighe coin they have had a very ſtrong Battelle & on both to Prage. Wee underſtand , char Bucquoy hach rides more then 6000men Naine, though molt norbeen in the Camp.butby the Duke orSaxen on theKings ſide , alſo hach the enimic gorcen fom cercainedayes , therefore vve are to looke of the King ſom pecces of Orderuauoce and to our ſelves,for feare of Trecherie . And it is vvaggens vvith amunicie, ſo that the King muſt chonghe thar che Einpcrour vvill leave Auſtria recire back to Praghe , and the enimie to che the Hungorians, & fee to effect his intcorion Wcillenberg , there he lies yet and roves from only uppon Praghe. Ichence to the Lour Maritſcher Crais unto Brix,