Page:The Newspaper and the Historian.djvu/82

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College journalism has for more than a hundred years recorded the interest of student life,87 imitated in a measure the features

of the contemporaneous press,68 and to-day is one of the leading representatives of the so -called " non -academic ” activities of

American colleges and universities.69 The recent war has been prolific in the number and variety of

the newspapers that issued from camp and trench and field and cruiser. The German government and the French government

issued bulletins of the war for the troops in the trenches, but quickly the troops themselves, especially those of the Allies, began the publication of their own papers, and their collected issues better than any other source interpret one side of the

spirit behind the great struggle .70 This expedient, however , has not been recent, - it dates at A characteristic article by Kipling, in answer to a request for a con tribution , is given in The Budget, published by the Horsmonden School,

Kent, and a caricature of Kipling by Max Beerbohm . These two numbers for May 14 and May 28, 1898, were reprinted in New York in 1899. 67 S , S . McClure, ed ., A History of College Journalism , lists 224 college journals in 1882. See also J. F . McClure, History of American College Jour nalism . 1883.

68 An interesting MS. copy of a school journal of 1837 shows that the subjects of its articles and editorials tallied almost perfectly with the sub jects discussed at that time in the printed press. The Smith Street Gazette and Institutional Review , a four-page journal

published monthly from December, 1849 to November, 1851 “ by a knot of young men for the most part utterly unskilled in the mysteries of mag azine publication ” but connected with the Westminster Institution , also illustrates this point. 69 “ College Journalism ,” Scribner ' s Monthly, October, 1878, 16 : 808 -812 ;

L . G . Price, “ American Undergraduate Journalism ," Bookman, March, 1903, 17: 69–82 ; M . S . Stimson , “ The Harvard Lampoon ," New England Magazine, January , 1907, n . s . 35 : 579 - 590 ; a series of articles on the lead ing college undergraduate publication in eight different colleges appeared

in the Bohemian in 1907- 1908 ; J. Bruce and J. V . Forrestal, eds., College Journalism , 1914 .

An interesting, but probably unique, illustration of the connection between the newspaper and the official side of education has been the

Moscow Gazette , the property of the University of Moscow that published it under the privilege granted by the Empress Elizabeth about the middle

of the eighteenth century . - H . S. Edwards, “ Mr. Katkoff and the Moscow Gazette , " Fortnightly Review , September, 1887, n . s. 42: 379 - 394 .

70 Gelett Burgess, “ TheMagazines of the Trenches," Century, September, 1916 , 70 : 641-658; A . M . Schlesinger , “ The Khaki Journalists,” Mississippi Valley Historical Review , December, 1919 , 6 : 350 - 359 ; The Wipers Times,

a facsimile reprint of trench magazines ; The B . E . F . Times, a companion volume; The Hatchet of the United States Ship “ George Washington ;" Stars

and Stripes, February 8, 1918 - June 13, 1919.