Page:The Next Naval War - Eardley-Wilmot - 1894.djvu/28

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years had a general naval staff whose work is clearly defined in preparation for war. But it is also supplemented by a superior Naval Council, composed of the most eminent naval officers, who meet periodically in Paris and report to the Minister of Marine on all important subjects connected with the development of attack and defence at sea. On this Council are the Commanders-in-Chief of the Mediterranean and northern squadrons, the Préfets Maritimes of the five ports, and other officers of experience. Created only a few years ago, its formation excited no attention abroad, but it is evident that such a board is well qualified to work out strategical problems, and give valuable assistance to the minister at the head of a large service. This Council had been sitting as usual for two months, and when the members departed to their other duties a complete plan of action had been drawn up. Not the least of the attaching advantages of this Council was, that it comprised people who were to carry out the operations, or on whom depended for the most part a successful result. They were ready to act, and when the order came, first to mobilise and then to proceed in execution of previous orders, no further inquiries were necessary.

What was the procedure on this side of the Channel? The Board of Admiralty as an administrative body had a good record in the past. It had brought us successfully through severe con-