Page:The Next Naval War - Eardley-Wilmot - 1894.djvu/43

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Rattlesnake, these now made for the advancing boats.

But the French commander had calculated on such a contingency as likely to assist him in passing the forts. His plan was, if discovered, to get mixed up with the defenders, so that any fire directed on himself would be equally detrimental to the other side and lead to its bemg stopped. This actually occurred, for though at first a heavy cannonade was opened it soon ceased, as through the drizzling rain it was observed that all were coming in together too absorbed in their mutual endeavours to pay any attention to what was going on elsewhere. Had there been a dozen catchers like the Hornet not a single boat would have escaped. She, coming from the direction of Ryde— drawn there by the firing at the Needles—at a speed of 26 knots, steered for the flotilla. Her commander decided to ram, as she carried no torpedo tube in the stem, which had been specially strengthened for the purpose. The evolution is not easy, but the number of antagonists assisted his movements. Without a check he crashed into the engine-room compartment of the last torpedo boat. There was a momentary quiver, and shouts were heard from the unfortunate mechanics, then as the Hornet backed out the water poured into the aperture and the boat almost immediately sank. Another boat had been disabled in her machinery by a 6-pounder shell, and, being surrounded, had to surrender.