ment of Normandy under Henry II," in American Historical Review, xx, pp. 24-42, 277-91 (1914-15); and earlier papers on "The Early Norman Jury," ibid., viii, pp. 613-40 (1903); "The Administration of Normandy under Henry I," in English Historical Review, xxiv, pp. 209-31 (1909); "Normandy under Geoffrey Plantagenet," ibid., xxvii, pp. 417-44 (1912); Delisle, Des revenus publics en Normandie au XIIe siècle, in Bibliothèque de L'École des Chartes, x-xiii (1848-52); Valin, Le duc de Normandie et sa cour, supplemented by R. de Fréville, "Étude sur l'organisation judiciaire en Normandie aux XIIe et XIIe siècles," in Nouvelle Revue historique de droit, 1912, pp. 681-736. The best general account of Norman law is still that of H. Brunner, Die Entstehung der Schwurgerichte (Berlin, 1872).
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