ages to Compostela, see Bédier, Les légendes épiques, III. For the Normans in the Byzantine empire see G. Schlumberger, "Deux chefs normands des armées byzantines," in Revue historique, XVI, pp. 289–303 (1881).
There is nothing on the share of the Normans in the Crusades analogous to P. Riant, Les Scandinaves en Terre Sainte (Paris, 1865). The details can be picked out of R. Röhricht, Geschichte des Königreichs Jerusalem (Innsbruck, 1898), and Geschichte des ersten Kreuzzuges (Innsbruck, 1901). There is no satisfactory biography of Robert Curthose; the legends concerning him are discussed by Gaston Paris in Comptes-rendus de l'Académie des inscriptions, 1890, pp. 207 ff. For the Norman princes of Antioch, see B. Kugler, Boemund und Tankred (Tübingen, 1862); and G. Rey's articles in the Revue de l'Orient latin, IV, pp. 321–407, VIII, pp. 116–57 (1896, 1900).