description of its institutions and an unsatisfactory chapter on its civilization. E. Caspar, Roger II (Innsbruck, 1904), is the best book on the reign; Curtis, Roger of Sicily, is convenient. G. B. Siragusa, Il regno di Guglielmo I (Palermo, 1885–86), and I. La Lumia, Storia della Sicilia sotto Guglielmo il Buono (Florence, 1867), need revision. For Constance, T. Toeche, Kaiser Heinrich VI (Leipzig, 1867), is still useful.
The treatment of Sicilian institutions by E. Mayer, Italienische Verfassungsgeschichte (Leipzig, 1909), is too juristic. There is an excellent book on the chancery by K. A. Kehr, Die Urkunden der normannisch-sicilischen Könige (Innsbruck, 1902); and on the duana there are important monographs by Amari, in the Memorie dei Lincei, third series, II, pp. 409–38 (1878); and by C. A. Garufi, in Archivio storico italiano, fifth series, XXVII, pp. 225–63 (1901). For local administration see the valuable study of Miss E. Jamison, The Norman Administration of Apulia and Capua, in Papers of the British School at Rome, VI, pp. 211–481 (1913). See also H. Niese, Die Gesetzgebung der normannischen Dynastie im Regnum Siciliae (Halle, 1910); Haskins, "England and Sicily in the Twelfth Century," in English Historical Review, XXVI, pp. 433–47, 641–65 (1911); W. Cohn, Die Geschichte der normannisch-sicilischen Flotte (Breslau, 1910); R. Straus, Die Juden im Königreich Sizilien (Heidelberg, 1910); F. Zechbauer, Das mittelalterliche Strafrecht Siziliens (Berlin, 1908); and various studies in the Miscellanea Salinas (Palermo, 1907) and the Centenario Michele Amari (Palermo, 1910). The commerce of the Sicilian kingdom is described by A. Schaube, Handelsgeschichte der romanischen Völker (Munich, 1906).
For Monte Cassino in this period see E. A. Loew, The Beneventan Script (Oxford, 1914), with the works there cited; R. Palmarocchi, L'abbazia di Montecassino e la conquista normanna (Rome, 1913). On the Greek monasteries, see Gay, L'Italie méridionale; P. Batiffol, L'abbaye de Rossano (Paris, 1891); K. Lake, "The Greek Monasteries in South Italy," in Journal of Theological Studies, IV, V (1903–04); and F. LoParco, Scolario-Saba, in Atti of the Naples Academy, new series, I (1910). The best account of Saracen culture in Sicily is still that of Amari. On the south-Italian and Sicilian translators, see O. Hartwig, "Die Uebersetzungsliteratur Unteritaliens in der norman-